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KEYWORDS: Education

Results: 441 - 480 of 659 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1956 Comic Book  A woman call from a porch to an elderly man patting a horse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels.  Three sets of couples converse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Elderly man and woman in rocking chairs talk; a younger couple discuss their future. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young couple speak while walking along the street of a small town. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A man and woman converse in a city apartment. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  An urban couple converse.  Then man then speaks on the phone with his mother. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A elderly man speaks at an office; then a happy scene at a farm. Visual Still
July 28, 1892 Photograph  Behind the scene photograph of the group photograph of the first summer American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf meeting taken on a Lake George porch with Alexander G. Bell. Photographer and camera are positioned left with the meeting participants in the background. Visual Still
1889 Photograph  A group of men and women sit on the steps of Chapel Hall at the National Deaf-Mute College ( later renamed Gallaudet University ). Visual Still
July 28, 1892 Photograph  Group photograph of the first summer American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf meeting taken on a Lake George porch with Alexander G. Bell positioned center with beard. Visual Still
1894 Photograph  Large group photograph of American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf summer meeting attendees wrapped above and below a large white porch in 1894. Visual Still
December 13, 1879 Newspaper  Cover of the newspaper with illustrations of a piano recital for deaf students and of a deaf woman. Visual Still
December 13, 1879 Illustration  A group of deaf students listen to a piano recital by employing bent metal plates clamped in their teeth. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
March 25, 1949 Photograph  A newspaper photograph of about twenty people, about half of whom are in wheelchairs. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Seven deaf students protest. They wave flags and stand behind a banner that reads Deaf President Now. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  A crowd of protesters marches down a street.  A man holds a banner that reads The Board Busters. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Protestors march down the street carrying a large banner that reads We Still Have a Dream! Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  George Goldthwait, portrait, waist-up, dark suit with bow tie. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  George Veditz signs a speech entitled The Preservation of the Sign Language. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  George Veditz signs. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A student in a wheel chair ascends the ramp of a school while a group of other students sit on the steps Getting in has gotten easier. Fitting in hasn't. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Girls, exercising on climbing racks. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  Girls standing with stuffed animals at large table. Visual Still
1946 Photograph  A man at a blackboard illustrates the way Goddwill works. Visual Still
July 12, 1879 Newspaper  A drawing of a woman on a stage signing the Marseillaise Hymn at the 1879 graduation of the New York Institution for the Instruction for the Deaf and Dumb. Visual Still
1901 Photograph  Gathering of pupils with deafblindness and teachers from five institutions in Buffalo, New York in 1901. Reunion funded by William Wade. Students and teachers are arranged in two arching lines outside on the grass with front row seated and back row standing. From the Perkins School for the Blind: Edith M. Thurston, Thomas Stringer, Miss Helen S. Conley, Edith Thomas, Vina C. Badger, and Elizabeth Robin. From the South Dakota School for the Blind: Dora Donald (Superintendent) and Linnie Haguewood.From the Ohio Institute for the Deaf: Ada Buckles, Ada E. Lyon, and Leslie F. Oren. From the New York Institute for the Deaf: Myra L. Barrager, W. H. Van Tassell, Orris Benson, Catherine Pederson, Florence G. S. Smith and Katie McGirr. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Helen Keller sits in a straightback wooden chair wearing cap and gown. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Keller in graduation cap and gown Visual Still
1950 Photograph  Meeting of Mrs. B.B. Choudbury with Helen Keller in New York. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  Group instructor photograph taken at the World's Congress, with Helen Keller, Alexander Graham Bell, and Anne Sullivan in center. Visual Still
circa 1915 Postcard  Photograph of girls and male teacher on front steps of school building.  One of the girls is short-statured. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A speech class for deaf children who use mirrors to watch their tongues. Visual Still
circa 1850 Photograph  A scratched image of a man in a suit with a full head of gray hair. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph of a side with an arched entrance to the Horace Mann School, image of Sarah Fuller included at top. Visual Still
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