Library: Search Keyword List
Keywords are the terms assigned to describe an artifact. All the keywords we have used are available here. Common variants, including plural forms, of the keywords will be accepted by our Search. For example, searching "Franklin Delano Roosevelt" or "FDR" will provide the same results. Note that "male" and "female" work as keywords though they are not displayed in Card Catalogue Keyword displays.
The use of language or nomenclature to describe disability changes constantly. Some past usages are offensive and degrading and should be avoided in contemporary language. In cataloging historical materials, these terms are useful to recover past experiences and ideologies. When a source uses a historical category term, "feeble-minded" and "moron" are examples, we have applied the term as a keyword. Historical terms apply only to the period in which an artifact was created and are not applied to artifacts created after that usage has gone into deserved oblivion.
Search Keyword List
- 1. abortion
- 2. abuse
- 3. accessibility
- 4. accident
- 5. accommodations
- 6. activists
- 7. Adams, John Quincy
- 8. Adams-Faber Company
- 9. Admiral Dot
- 10. advertisements
- 11. advertising
- 12. Advisory Council on Social Security
- 13. advocacy
- 14. advocacy groups
- 15. Africa
- 16. African American
- 17. Agawam, MA
- 18. aging
- 19. agriculture
- 20. airplanes
- 21. Akerly, Samuel
- 22. Alabama
- 23. Albany, NY
- 24. alcohol
- 25. Allen, Edgar
- 26. Allen, Lucretia
- 27. almshouses
- 28. Altmeyer, Arthur J.
- 29. American Association of Workers for the Blind
- 30. American Association on Mental Deficiency
- 31. American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf
- 32. American Blind People's Higher Education and General Improvement Association
- 33. American Braille Press
- 34. American Foundation for the Blind
- 35. American Legion
- 36. American Medical Association
- 37. American Red Cross
- 38. American School for the Deaf
- 39. American Social Health Association
- 40. American Tract Society
- 41. Americans with Disabilities Act
- 42. amputees
- 43. Anagnos, Michael
- 44. Anderson, Sherwood
- 45. Andrews, Arthur
- 46. animals
- 47. architecture
- 48. Argson
- 49. Aristotle
- 50. Arkansas
- 51. Armbrecht, Susan
- 52. art
- 53. arthritis
- 54. assistive technology
- 55. Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane
- 56. Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf
- 57. asylums
- 58. attendants
- 59. Austin, Henry Willard
- 60. Australia
- 61. autism
- 62. autobiography
- 63. automobile
- 64. Aveyron, France
- 65. Aztec Children
- 66. Baltimore, MD
- 67. banquet
- 68. Barclay Portable Chair Auto Body Corporation
- 69. Barnum, Henry A.
- 70. Barnum, P.T.
- 71. Baron Littlefinger
- 72. Baron Rosebud
- 73. Barr, Martin W.
- 74. Bauder, Charles L.
- 75. beds
- 76. Beecher, Henry Ward
- 77. Beers, Clifford
- 78. beggar
- 79. Belgium
- 80. Bell, Alexander Graham
- 81. Bell, Alexander Melville
- 82. Bellevue Hospital
- 83. Bellows, Henry
- 84. benevolence
- 85. Bicêtre
- 86. bicycle
- 87. Binet, Alfred
- 88. bioethics
- 89. biography
- 90. bipolar disorder
- 91. bird
- 92. Birthday Balls
- 93. black lung
- 94. Black, Freda
- 95. Blackwell's Island
- 96. Blake, William
- 97. Blatt, Burton
- 98. blind
- 99. Bloodgood, Edith Holt
- 100. Bloomingdale Asylum
- 101. Blunt, A.P.
- 102. Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
- 103. Bly, Nellie
- 104. books
- 105. Boston Phrenological Society
- 106. Boston, MA
- 107. Botts, Fred
- 108. Bourne, Randolph
- 109. Brace, Julia
- 110. braces
- 111. Braidwood, John
- 112. Braille
- 113. Bridgeport, CT
- 114. Bridgman, Laura
- 115. Brigham, Amariah
- 116. British Columbia
- 117. British Museum
- 118. Brooks, Phillips
- 119. brooms
- 120. Brown, George
- 121. Brownell, Ella
- 122. Buchanan, James
- 123. Buck, Pearl
- 124. Buckley, James T.
- 125. Buffalo, NY
- 126. bus
- 127. Bush, George H.W.
- 128. Butler Hospital
- 129. Butler, Benjamin Franklin
- 130. Byoir, Carl
- 131. Byron, Lord
- 132. Calhoun, John C.
- 133. California
- 134. California Council for Retarded Children
- 135. Callaway, Cason
- 136. Cambridge School for Young Ladies
- 137. Cambridge, MA
- 138. Camp Koch for Crippled Children
- 139. Campbell, Charles
- 140. Canada
- 141. Canadian Association for Retarded Children
- 142. Canby, Margaret
- 143. cane
- 144. Caniff, Milton
- 145. Cape Cod, MA
- 146. cardiovascular disease
- 147. care givers
- 148. Carnegie Institution
- 149. Carnegie, Andrew
- 150. Carpenter, Arthur
- 151. Carter, Jimmy
- 152. Case, Phila Henrietta
- 153. Caswell, Oliver
- 154. Catholic
- 155. CBS
- 156. census
- 157. Century of Progress
- 158. cerebral palsy
- 159. ceremonies
- 160. Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar
- 161. Chang and Eng
- 162. charity
- 163. Chautauqua, NY
- 164. Che-Mah
- 165. Chicago, IL
- 166. child labor
- 167. children
- 168. Children's Bureau
- 169. children's literature
- 170. China
- 171. Choudbury, B.B.
- 172. Christmas Seals
- 173. Christy, Howard Chandler
- 174. church
- 175. Churchill, Winston
- 176. Cincinnati, OH
- 177. circus
- 178. Citizen's Committee on the Children's Bureau's 50th Birthday
- 179. civil liberties
- 180. Civil Liberties & Rights
- 181. civil rights
- 182. Civil War
- 183. Civilian Public Service
- 184. Clare, John
- 185. Clark Music Company
- 186. Clarke, Edward H.
- 187. class photo
- 188. classrooms
- 189. Clay, Henry
- 190. Clerc, Laurent
- 191. clergy
- 192. Cleveland, Grover
- 193. Cleveland, OH
- 194. Clinton, Dewitt
- 195. clothing
- 196. cognitive disability
- 197. Cogswell, Alice
- 198. Cogswell, Mason
- 199. Cole, Samuel Valentine
- 200. Colorado
- 201. Colson Company
- 202. Columbia University
- 203. Committee on Economic Security
- 204. Commodore Nutt
- 205. communication
- 206. community
- 207. Community Chest
- 208. computers
- 209. Conant, James Bryant
- 210. Conference on Socio-Cultural Aspects of Mental Retardation
- 211. confinement
- 212. conjoined twins
- 213. Connecticut
- 214. conscientious objectors
- 215. contracts
- 216. Cook, Nancy
- 217. Coolidge, Calvin
- 218. Coolidge, Grace
- 219. Copenhagen, Denmark
- 220. corporation
- 221. correspondence
- 222. Council for Exceptional Children
- 223. Count Magri
- 224. Craig Colony for Epileptics
- 225. crime
- 226. cripple
- 227. Crosby, Fanny
- 228. Crouter, A.L.E.
- 229. crutch
- 230. Curtiss Aero Car
- 231. Custer Specialty Company
- 232. Dallas, TX
- 233. dance
- 234. Danvers State Hospital
- 235. Dart, Justin
- 236. Darwin, Charles
- 237. Davenport, Charles B.
- 238. Davies, Stanley Powell
- 239. Davis, Hiram & Barney
- 240. Davis, Jefferson
- 241. Day, Mary
- 242. De Cervantes, Miguel
- 243. De Kroyft, Helen
- 244. De la Cruz, Gregoria
- 245. De la Cruz, Juan
- 246. De la Cruz, Martina
- 247. deaf
- 248. deaf culture
- 249. deaf-blind
- 250. death
- 251. Debs, Eugene V
- 252. deinstitutionalization
- 253. Democratic Party
- 254. demographics
- 255. demonstration
- 256. Denmark
- 257. Denver, CO
- 258. Department of Health Education & Welfare
- 259. Desoto Motor Corporation
- 260. Detroit, MI
- 261. Diagnoses & Diseases
- 262. diagnosis
- 263. Diagnosis & Consumer groups
- 264. Dickens, Charles
- 265. Dickerman, Marion
- 266. dictaphone
- 267. disability by category
- 268. disability culture
- 269. disability studies
- 270. disease
- 271. Dix, Dorothea
- 272. doctors
- 273. Doherty, Henry L.
- 274. Donne, John
- 275. Donovan, Lillian K.
- 276. Doren, G.A.
- 277. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
- 278. Down Syndrome
- 279. Draper, Amos
- 280. Dugdale, Richard L.
- 281. Dybwad, Gunnar
- 282. Dybwad, Rosemary
- 283. Earle, Pliny
- 284. East Bridgewater, MA
- 285. Easter Seals
- 286. eating disorders
- 287. economics
- 288. education
- 289. educational institutions
- 290. Eiben, Robert M.
- 291. Eisenhower, Dwight
- 292. Eisenmann, Charles
- 293. electro-shock therapy
- 294. Electrolux
- 295. elevator
- 296. Elks
- 297. Ellis Island, NY
- 298. Elyria Memorial Hospital
- 299. embossed print
- 300. employment
- 301. England
- 302. entertainment
- 303. Entertainment, Leisure & Recreation
- 304. epidemics
- 305. epilepsy
- 306. escape
- 307. Esquirol, Jean Etienne
- 308. eugenics
- 309. Eugenics Records Office
- 310. euthanasia
- 311. Everest & Jennings
- 312. exercise
- 313. exhibits
- 314. expose
- 315. Fair Labor Standards Act
- 316. family
- 317. Fanon, Frantz
- 318. Federal Children's Bureau
- 319. federal government
- 320. feeblemindedness
- 321. feminism
- 322. Fernald, W.E.
- 323. field hospital
- 324. Florida
- 325. food
- 326. Ford, Henry
- 327. foster care
- 328. foundations
- 329. Fowler, Sophia
- 330. France
- 331. Fraser, Septimus
- 332. freak show
- 333. Friedman, Oliver A.
- 334. friendship
- 335. Froman, Jane
- 336. Frost King
- 337. Fuller, Sarah
- 338. fundraising
- 339. Furgol, Ed
- 340. Gallaudet University
- 341. Gallaudet, Edward M.
- 342. Gallaudet, Thomas
- 343. Garfunkel, Frank
- 344. Garrison, S. Olin
- 345. gender
- 346. Georgia
- 347. German-American Hospital
- 348. Germany
- 349. Geronimo
- 350. giants
- 351. Gilman, Arthur
- 352. Goddard, Henry H.
- 353. Goethe, Johann von
- 354. Goldstein, Herbert
- 355. Goldthwait, George
- 356. Goodwill Industries
- 357. Gorgas, William C.
- 358. government
- 359. government agencies
- 361. graduation
- 362. Grant, Ulysses S.
- 363. Gray, Pete
- 364. Greece
- 365. Greve, Bell
- 366. grief
- 367. group home
- 368. Guatemala
- 369. Haggard, Howard W.
- 370. Haiselden, H.F.
- 371. Hale, Edward Everett
- 372. hand controls
- 373. Hartford, CT
- 374. Hartwell, Edward M.
- 375. Harvard University
- 376. Hasbrouck, Paul
- 377. Haver, Sterling
- 378. health & medicine
- 379. hearing aids
- 380. Helms, Edgar J.
- 381. Henderson, Sun
- 382. heredity
- 383. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
- 384. higher education
- 385. Hitz, John
- 386. Hoar, George F.
- 387. Hoke, Michael
- 388. holidays
- 389. Hollerith Tabulator
- 390. Hollerith, Herman
- 391. Holmes, James G.
- 392. Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- 393. Holocaust
- 394. Holt, Winifred
- 395. homes
- 396. Hoover, Herbert
- 397. Hopkins, Sophia
- 398. Horace Mann School
- 399. Hosford Day School
- 400. Hospice des Incurable
- 401. hospitals
- 402. housing
- 403. Howarth, Edward
- 404. Howe, Julia Ward
- 405. Howe, Lucien
- 406. Howe, Samuel Gridley
- 407. Hubbard, Leroy W.
- 408. Hughes, Patrick
- 409. Hugo, Victor
- 410. human rights
- 411. humor
- 412. Hungerford, Richard H.
- 413. Hunt, Isaac
- 414. Hurd, Henry
- 415. Hurlihy, Michael
- 416. Hutton, Laurence
- 417. Hyde Park, NY
- 418. hydropathy
- 419. hydrotherapy
- 420. hygiene
- 421. identity
- 422. ideologies
- 423. idiocy
- 424. Illinois
- 425. Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf & Dumb
- 426. Illinois State Hospital for the Insane
- 427. imbecility
- 428. immigration
- 429. incest
- 430. Inclinator Company of America
- 431. independent living
- 432. India
- 433. Indiana
- 434. Indianapolis, IN
- 435. Indonesia
- 436. industry
- 437. injuries
- 438. insanity
- 439. Institution for Imbeciles & Idiots
- 440. institutions
- 442. insurance
- 443. intelligence
- 444. intelligence tests
- 445. International Congress of Pediatrics
- 446. International Congress on the Education of the Deaf
- 447. International League of Societies for the Mentally Handicapped
- 448. International Order of Odd Fellows
- 449. international relations
- 450. International Workers of the World
- 451. International Working Conference on Architectural Planning in Mental Retardation
- 452. invalid
- 453. inventions
- 454. Iowa
- 455. Ireland
- 456. Irwin, Agnes
- 457. Irwin, Robert
- 458. Italy
- 459. Itard, Jean-Marc Gaspard
- 460. Ivy Green
- 461. James, Daniel S.
- 462. James, William
- 463. Japan
- 464. Jebb, Eglantyne
- 465. Jefferson, Thomas
- 466. Jernigan, Kenneth
- 467. Jewel, Adele M.
- 468. Joan of Arc
- 469. Johnson, Lyndon
- 470. Johnson, Roland
- 471. Johnson, William Henry
- 472. Johnstone, E.R.
- 473. Judiasm
- 474. Jukes
- 475. jurisprudence
- 476. Kaata, Ragnhild
- 477. Kallikaks
- 478. Kansas
- 479. Keith, Merton
- 480. Keller, Arthur
- 481. Keller, Arthur H.
- 482. Keller, Helen
- 483. Keller, Kate
- 484. Keller, Mildred
- 485. Keller, Phillips Brook
- 486. Kellogg, John Harvey
- 487. Kemp, Evan
- 488. Kennedy, Grace
- 489. Kennedy, John F.
- 490. Kennedy, Robert
- 491. Kentucky
- 492. Kenya
- 493. Kerstow, Bertha
- 494. Kimball, Moses
- 495. kindergarten
- 496. King George VI
- 497. Kirby, Rollin
- 498. Kiwanis
- 499. Klebanoff, Lewis
- 500. Korean War
- 501. Kraepelin, Emil
- 502. Krao
- 503. labor
- 504. Labor & Commerce
- 505. landscape
- 506. Lathrop, Julia
- 507. Latino
- 508. Laurie, Gini
- 509. Laurie, Joe
- 510. Laws & Regulation
- 511. Lee, Robert E.
- 512. Lefton, John
- 513. legislation
- 514. LeHand, Marguerite
- 515. Lehman, Herbert, Jr.
- 516. leisure
- 517. leprosy
- 518. Letchworth Village
- 519. Lewis, John
- 520. library
- 521. Library of Congress
- 522. Lighthouse for the Blind
- 523. Lille Mosegaard, Denmark
- 524. Lincoln, Abraham
- 525. Lincoln, Levi
- 526. Lind, Jenny
- 527. Lions Clubs International
- 528. Lippmann, Walter
- 529. literacy
- 530. Little White House
- 531. local government
- 532. London, England
- 533. Long, Huey
- 534. Louisiana
- 535. Lyon, William K.
- 536. MacArthur, George
- 537. Mack, Rebecca
- 538. Macy, John
- 539. magazines
- 540. Maine
- 541. Maine Insane Hospital
- 542. Major Atom
- 543. Manchester, MA
- 544. Mann, Horace
- 545. Mann, Thomas
- 546. Mansfield State Training School
- 547. Mansfield, George A.
- 548. manual alphabet
- 549. manufacturing
- 550. March of Dimes
- 551. marches
- 552. marriage
- 553. Maryland
- 554. Maryland Institution for the Blind
- 556. Massachusetts
- 557. Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
- 558. McCormick, RF
- 559. McCowen Oral School for Young Deaf Children
- 560. McFarland, Andrew
- 561. McGraw, Mickie
- 562. McGregor, Robert P.
- 563. McGwinn, Donna
- 564. McLean Hospital for the Insane
- 565. McMurtrie, Douglas C.
- 566. media
- 567. medical equipment
- 568. medical professionals
- 569. medical research
- 570. Medicare
- 571. medication
- 572. medicine
- 573. Medicine & Science
- 574. Melbourne, Australia
- 575. memorials
- 576. men
- 577. mental retardation
- 578. Meriwether Inn
- 579. Metzer, Alice
- 580. Mexican War
- 581. Mexico
- 582. Mexico City, Mexico
- 583. Michigan
- 584. Michigan School for the Deaf
- 585. Michigan Society of Architects
- 586. microcephaly
- 587. Migel, MC
- 588. Milbank, Jeremiah
- 589. military
- 590. Milwaukee, WI
- 591. mining
- 592. Minnesota
- 593. Minniss, Thomas S.
- 594. missionaries
- 595. Mississippi
- 596. Mississippi Institution for the Education of the Deaf & Dumb
- 597. Missouri
- 598. Montagu, Ashley
- 599. Monticello, VA
- 600. Montreal, Canada
- 601. Moody, Dwight
- 602. moral literature
- 603. moral treatment
- 604. Morgan, Keith
- 605. mouthstick
- 606. movies
- 607. Murphy, Albert T.
- 608. muscular dystrophy
- 609. museums
- 610. music
- 611. mute
- 612. Nashville, TN
- 613. National Association for Retarded Children
- 614. National Association of the Deaf
- 615. National Cash Register
- 616. National Committee for Mental Hygiene
- 617. National Conference of Charities
- 618. National Conference of Social Work
- 619. National Deaf-Mute College
- 620. National Federation of the Blind
- 621. National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
- 622. National League for Nursing
- 623. National Mental Health Association
- 624. National Mental Health Foundation
- 625. National Patients Committee of Warm Springs
- 626. National Rehabilitation Association
- 627. National Society for the Prevention of Blindness
- 628. Native American
- 629. nativism
- 630. navy
- 631. NBC
- 632. neglect
- 633. Nelson, Richard A.
- 634. Netherlands
- 635. Neuber, Margaret A.
- 636. neurasthenia
- 637. neurology
- 638. New Deal
- 639. New Hampshire
- 640. New Jersey
- 641. New Jersey Training School
- 642. New Jersey Youth Study Commission
- 643. New York
- 644. New York Association for the Blind
- 645. New York City, NY
- 646. New York Commission for the Blind
- 647. New York Institution for the Blind
- 648. New York Institution for the Deaf & Dumb
- 649. New York Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes
- 650. New York State Asylum for Idiots
- 651. New York State Lunatic Asylum
- 652. New York University
- 653. newsboys
- 654. newspapers
- 655. Niagara Falls, NY
- 656. Nirje, Bengt
- 657. Nixon, Richard
- 658. nomenclature
- 659. non-governmental organizations
- 660. normalization
- 661. North Carolina
- 662. North Jersey Training School
- 663. Northfield, MA
- 664. Norway
- 665. Nugent, Timothy J.
- 666. nursing
- 667. O'Brien, Patrick
- 668. O'Connor, Basil
- 669. obesity
- 670. occupational therapy
- 671. Ohio
- 672. opthamalia neonatorum
- 673. oralism
- 674. Oregon
- 675. orphans
- 676. orthotist
- 677. Packard, Elizabeth
- 678. Packard, Theophilus
- 679. pain
- 680. parenting
- 681. Paris, France
- 682. parole
- 683. Parrino, Sandra
- 684. patents
- 685. Paterson, NJ
- 686. pediatrics
- 687. Pennhurst State School & Hospital
- 688. Pennsylvania
- 689. Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf
- 690. Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Children
- 691. pension
- 692. People First
- 693. Perkins School for the Blind
- 694. Perkins, Frances
- 695. Perkins, Stephen
- 696. Perkins, Thomas A.
- 697. Permanent Blind War Relief Fund
- 698. personal assistance
- 699. phenylketonuria
- 700. Philadelphia, PA
- 701. philanthropy
- 702. Philippines
- 703. philosophy
- 704. phonograph
- 705. phrenology
- 706. physical disability
- 708. physical therapy
- 709. physiological training
- 710. piano
- 711. Pierce, Franklin
- 712. Pinel, Philippe
- 713. Pittsburgh, PA
- 714. plagiarism
- 715. Plato
- 716. playgrounds
- 717. Poe, Edgar Allen
- 718. poetry
- 719. policy
- 720. polio
- 721. politics
- 722. Pontiac Asylum
- 723. popular culture
- 724. portrait
- 725. Potter, Sarah A.
- 726. poverty
- 727. powerchair
- 728. prejudice
- 729. President's Committee on Mental Retardation
- 730. President's Panel on Mental Retardation
- 731. Presidents Council on Aging
- 732. prevention
- 733. Price, Norman
- 734. prison
- 735. privacy
- 736. Professional Associations
- 737. prosthesis
- 738. prostitution
- 739. protests
- 740. Providence, RI
- 741. psychiatric disability
- 742. psychology
- 743. public health
- 744. Public Health & Welfare
- 745. Public Health Service
- 746. public relations
- 747. public welfare
- 748. publicity
- 749. Puerto Rico
- 750. punishments
- 751. Quakers
- 752. Queen Elizabeth
- 753. Queen Victoria
- 754. Quincy, Josiah
- 755. R.C.A.
- 756. Radcliffe College
- 757. radio
- 758. railroads
- 759. ramps
- 760. Randall's Island
- 761. Rankin, William H.
- 762. Ray, Isaac
- 763. Real Courage Association
- 764. Reconstruction
- 765. recycling
- 766. rehabilitation
- 767. religion
- 768. religious organizations
- 769. reproduction
- 770. Republican Party
- 771. resistance
- 772. Resources Unlimited
- 773. respirator
- 774. restraints
- 775. Rhode Island
- 776. rickets
- 777. Riis, Jacob
- 778. Roberts, Owen J.
- 779. Rochester, NY
- 780. Rogers, Paul
- 781. Rome State School for the Mentally Retarded
- 782. Roosevelt, Eleanor
- 783. Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- 784. Roosevelt, Sara Delano
- 785. Roosevelt, Theodore
- 786. Rosewood Training School
- 787. Rotary Club
- 788. Round Robin News
- 789. Royal Institution for Deaf-Mutes
- 790. Ruhrah, John
- 791. rural life
- 792. Rush, Benjamin
- 793. Rusk, Howard A.
- 794. Ruth, Jacob
- 795. Rutland, MA
- 796. safety
- 797. Salmon, George J.
- 798. Salvation Army
- 799. San Francisco, CA
- 800. sanatorium
- 801. Sanborn, Franklin B.
- 802. Sanitary Commission
- 803. Sankey, Ira
- 804. Sarason, Seymour B.
- 805. School of Vocal Physiology
- 806. schools
- 807. science
- 809. Scotland
- 810. Seagram's
- 811. Seattle, WA
- 812. seeing eye dog
- 813. segregation
- 814. Seguin, Edouard
- 815. Seixas, David G.
- 816. self help
- 817. sensory disability
- 818. servants
- 819. service animals
- 820. service organizations
- 821. Seward, William
- 822. sexuality
- 823. Shakespeare, William
- 824. Sharon, MA
- 825. Shattuck, Lemuel
- 826. sheltered workshop
- 827. Sherman, William T.
- 828. short stature
- 829. Shriners
- 830. shut-ins
- 831. Sicard, Abbe
- 832. side show
- 833. sign language
- 834. Sigourney, Lydia H.
- 835. slavery
- 836. Smith, Jacob S.
- 837. Smith-Fraser, Olive L.
- 838. social hygiene
- 840. Social Security
- 841. social welfare
- 842. Social Welfare & Communities
- 843. social welfare & employment
- 844. social work
- 845. socialism
- 846. Society for Crippled Children
- 847. soldiers
- 848. South Carolina
- 849. South Dakota
- 850. Southbury Training School
- 851. spa
- 852. Spaulding, John
- 853. Speaking For Ourselves
- 854. special education
- 855. speech therapy
- 856. spina bifida
- 857. spiritualism
- 858. Spock, Benjamin
- 859. sports
- 860. Springfield Home for Friendless Women and Children
- 861. Springfield, MA
- 862. Springwood, NY
- 863. St. Dunstan's
- 864. St. Louis, MO
- 865. stamp
- 866. Stanton, Edwin
- 867. Starrett, Mabel
- 868. state government
- 869. statistics
- 870. sterilization
- 871. Stevenson, Adlai
- 872. Stoddard, Lothrop
- 873. Stringer, Tommy
- 874. Suckley, Margaet L.
- 875. suffrage
- 876. suicide
- 877. Sullivan, Anne
- 878. Summer Institute on Social Work at Columbia University
- 879. Sumner, Charles
- 880. Sunday School
- 881. Supplemental Security Income
- 882. surgery
- 883. Sweden
- 884. Swedenborg, Emanuel
- 885. Swift, Mary
- 886. Switzer, Mary E.
- 887. Switzerland
- 888. Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children
- 889. Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives
- 890. Syracuse, NY
- 891. Tacoma, WA
- 892. Taft, William H.
- 893. talking books
- 894. technology
- 895. Technology & Equipment
- 896. telephone
- 897. television
- 898. Temal Company
- 899. temperance
- 900. Templeton, MA
- 901. tenBroek, Jacobus
- 902. Tennessee
- 903. Tennyson, Alfred Lord
- 904. Terman, Lewis
- 905. Tewksbury, MA
- 906. Texas
- 907. The Arc
- 908. The Arts
- 909. The Seaside
- 910. theater
- 911. Tiny Tim
- 912. tobacco
- 913. Tom Thumb (Charles Stratton)
- 914. Toombs, Henry J.
- 915. Toomey Pavilion Respiratory Center
- 916. Top Cottage
- 917. Toronto, Canada
- 918. trachoma
- 919. tramps
- 920. transportation
- 921. traumatic brain injury
- 922. travel
- 923. treatments therapies cures
- 924. Trenton, NJ
- 925. trio
- 926. Tripp, Charles
- 927. Troy, NY
- 928. trustees
- 929. tuberculosis
- 930. Tuscumbia, AL
- 931. Tusser, Thomas
- 932. Twain, Mark / Samuel Clemens
- 933. typewriters
- 934. U.S. Congress
- 935. U.S. Naval Academy
- 936. Union Army
- 937. Union Station
- 938. United Mine Workers
- 939. United Nations
- 940. United States Post Office
- 941. universal design
- 942. University of Illinois
- 943. University of Pennsylvania
- 944. University of Virginia
- 945. urban life
- 946. US Congress
- 947. Utah
- 948. utilitarianism
- 949. vaccines
- 950. vaudeville
- 951. Veditz, George
- 952. venereal disease
- 953. vermin
- 954. Vermont
- 955. veterans
- 956. Veterans & Military
- 957. Veterans Administration
- 958. Vietnam War
- 959. Vigoro
- 960. Virginia
- 961. visible speech
- 962. vision
- 963. vocational rehabilitation
- 964. Volta Bureau
- 965. Voltaire
- 966. voluntarism
- 967. Wade, William
- 968. Wagner-O'Day Act
- 969. Waldorf-Astoria
- 970. walker
- 971. war
- 972. War Manpower Commission
- 973. War of 1812
- 974. War Risk Insurance
- 975. Ward, William Arthur
- 976. Warm Springs Foundation
- 977. Warner, Hanaford M.
- 978. Warren, Lavinia
- 979. Warren, Minnie
- 980. Washington
- 981. Washington, DC
- 982. Watertown, MA
- 983. Weed, Thurlow
- 984. Weeks, LL
- 985. Weinberg, Louis
- 986. Weld, Lewis
- 987. Wells, George
- 988. Wells, H.G.
- 989. wheelchair
- 990. Whittier, John Greenleaf
- 991. Whyatt, E. Irving
- 992. Wilbur, Hervey B.
- 993. Wilke, Harold
- 994. Willard Asylum for the Insane
- 995. Williams College
- 996. Willowbrook State School
- 997. Wilson, Alva
- 998. Wilson, Woodrow
- 999. Wisconsin
- 1000. Wolfensberger, Wolf
- 1001. women
- 1002. Women & Gender
- 1003. Womens Educational and Industrial Union
- 1004. Woodbine State Colony
- 1005. Worcester, MA
- 1006. work
- 1007. workers compensation
- 1008. World Fairs
- 1009. world's fairs
- 1010. Wrentham, MA
- 1011. Wright, John
- 1012. Wright, Lucy
- 1013. Wright-Humason School for the Deaf
- 1014. Wundermop
- 1015. WWI
- 1016. WWII
- 1017. Yale University
- 1018. YMCA
- 1019. York Retreat
- 1020. Zola, Irving Kenneth