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KEYWORDS: Public Life - Society AND Movements [ " Movements " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND & [ " & " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ] AND Advocacy∨derby=format [ " Advocacy∨derby=format " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ]

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Results: 1021 - 1060 of 1577 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
unknown Painting  Portrait of Thomas Gallaudet. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Portrait of Mason Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Framed silhouette of Alice Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the Cogswell House, a large townhouse, with a horse drawn carriage on the street in front. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the front parlor of the Cogswell House. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  View of large brick house through trees. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  View of large school building with empty fenced yard in front. Visual Still
1869 Photograph  Portrait of Laurent Clerc. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Bust of Laurent Clerc atop pedestal in front of large building Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the front of a large school building. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of large school building beyond open lawns. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of Clerc Memorial in front of school building. Visual Still
1938 Illustration  A drawing of Top Cottage, a stone building with pillars and trees in front. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A young boy walks out of a hospital entrance way as a doctor and nurse wave good-bye. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  Two elderly brothers on a metal foot bridge sign to one another. Visual Still
1950 Postcard  Two large group photographs of campers; one small group photo of campers doing activities at an outside table Visual Still
1950 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper thanking donor for his contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
1890 Postcard  Color postcard of huge asylum in background with large courtyard in front Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A smiling young women with a chestpice next to a speaker phone. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A young man with many books and a speaker phone. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Edward Gallaudet signs Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A girl points a light at letters in order to type. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A person types from a bed. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A man uses a mouthstick to type. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A woman types from an iron lung using her tongue. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A woman types from inside an iron lung. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A man and a girl each use a headset to type. Visual Still
1938 Photograph  View up hill at Top Cottage with porch. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A woman call from a porch to an elderly man patting a horse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels.  Three sets of couples converse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  Elderly man and woman in rocking chairs talk; a younger couple discuss their future. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young couple speak while walking along the street of a small town. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A man and woman converse in a city apartment. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  An urban couple converse.  Then man then speaks on the phone with his mother. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A elderly man speaks at an office; then a happy scene at a farm. Visual Still
February 1938 Illustration  Architectural drawing of Top Cottage, front and side views. Visual Still
January 30, 1937 Photograph  FDR sits at desk with CBS and NBC radio microphones. Visual Still
October 23, 1932 Photograph  President Roosevelt sits up on the back of a car seat and shakes hands with a farmer in overalls standing next to the car. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Roughly drawn floor plan for Top Cottage. Visual Still
circa 1905 Photograph  An average-sized Filipino woman stands next to two short-statured Filipinos. Visual Still
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