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The Jukes in 1915
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73 | Alma, V 15, was the fifth legitimate child of Abe Isaac. At 8, when her mother died, she went to the poorhouse, where she remained 4 years. She became a harlot after this and acquired syphilis. She married Roswell, V 16, a rather industrious man and a recent immigrant, who was later blown up in a quarry accident and killed. Alma was intemperate, never acquired any property, and died at the age of 30, leaving three young children. | |
74 | The oldest, VI 30, was 10 when her parents died. At 14 she was raped by her uncle Avery, who spent 5 years in State prison for the crime. Nothing more is known of the child after this. | |
75 | VI 31, the sister of VI 30, was 5 years of age when her parents died. She was a dwarf, making the second that has appeared in the Juke family. At 8 years she was sent to the House of Refuge as a disorderly child. She grew up to be industrious, but was a thief and was immoral. At 19 she added to these vices, and became intemperate, yet she seemed to realize that she was not doing as the House of Refuge people wanted her to do, since she wrote to the institution telling them that she was trying to do better. At 20, she was indentured for 3 years at the rate of $10 a year. At 23, when she left this place, she seems to have lost her identity, as no trace of her now exists. Her younger brother, VI 32, was a laborer in the cement mines and died at the age of 25. | |
76 | Alonzo, V 17, the sixth legitimate child of Abe Isaac, was a "laborer; at 7, mother dies, poorhouse, 4 years; 16, assault and battery, county jail; 17, robbery, first degree, Albany penitentiary, 10 years; 26, county jail; loafer; single." He was very intemperate and died of dropsy at the age of 30. | |
77 | The last child of Abe Isaac was Amiel, V 19. He was a "laborer; at 4, mother dies; poorhouse, 4 years; 24, poorhouse, 1 year; 26, wife dies; town burial; intemperate; no property." He is now an industrious laborer and well liked by the people for whom he works. He is very deaf, has syphilis, has a wandering nature and a quiet disposition. He has always been very poor. His first wife, Lettie, V 18, after having two children, died of syphilis and was buried by the town. Amiel then cohabited with Sally Ann, V 20, an industrious but garrulous, ignorant, and shrewish woman of no morals. This couple lived in a three-room hovel on a mountain side, and had 11 children. | |
78 | The first child of Amiel and Sally, VI 36, was an ignorant, untrained fellow, who ran a house of prostitution and was sent to prison for this. | |
79 | The second, a girl, died in infancy. | |
80 | The third, VI 38, can read and write, but is lazy and spends most of his time hunting and fishing. He is very poor and lives in a hovel in the woods with his wife, VI 353, also a descendant of Ada. This woman is neat and industrious but ignorant, being unable to read and write. Her mother died while she was yet young, hence she was forced to do housework for a living and so never attended school. The couple have two small children, both of whom are girls. | |
81 | The fourth child of Amiel, VI 39, is unindustrious, inefficient, and a "farm hand" 30 years of age. He has a quiet disposition and spends most of his time hunting and fishing. | |
82 | His brother, VI 40, did average work in school and is active and energetic -in summer working as a farm hand and saving his money, in winter hunting and selling skins. He has a striking personality and is careful in dress. | |
83 | The next two children of Amiel died in infancy. | |
84 | Then came VI 43, a boy of 18, retarded in school, mentally inactive, quiet and shy in behavior. He spends most of his time hunting and fishing. | |
85 | The next child was a girl, VI 44, who was accidentally burned to death in a bonfire at the age of 7. | |
86 | The tenth child, VI 45, attended school fairly regularly until she was 17 and, at that time, she was in the third grade. She was untidy and careless in her appearance, was shy, and never associated with anyone outside of her family. She was reputed chaste to the age of 17, when she married. | |
87 | The last child of Amiel, VI 47, was still in the first grade in school at the age of 12. He is mentally slow and has a shy, retiring nature. In Dugdale's book, chart 1, generation 5, line 13, it reads: "Laborer; at 2, mother died; poorhouse, 4 years; unmarried." Search failed to find this individual, and two of his brothers, Amiel and Augustus, say that they had no brother of that description. He is therefore left out of this history. This ends the description of the descendants of Abe Isaac. | |
88 | Abe Isaac's eldest sister, the daughter of Alexander and Beatrice, was Alice, IV 5. She was "somewhat industrious; temperate; at 34, outdoor relief, 1 year; 43, outdoor relief, 1 year; 52, husband in State prison; became a prostitute during that period; 57, outdoor relief, 1 year; 63, outdoor relief, 7 years; died 1871." Alice married Stillman, IV 6, "shoemaker; at 30, forgery, State prison, 2 years, where he learned shoemaking; 35 outdoor relief, 1 year; 44, outdoor relief, 1 year; 59, outdoor relief, 1 year; 64, outdoor relief, 9 years; was intemperate in former times, but not so now; read and write." This couple was always poor. They had ten children, only eight of whom were noted and described by Dugdale. Their children were: Al, Abel, Alva, Allen, Alice Ella, Alberta, Agnes, Adelaide, Annetta, and Amalia. |