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Why Not A National Bureau For The Blind?

Creator: Charles Campbell (author)
Date: January 1913
Publication: The Outlook for the Blind
Source: American Printing House for the Blind, Inc., M. C. Migel Library

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If this National Bureau had already existed one of its functions might have been to help in the recent movements for the prevention of blindness and the conservation of vision. That work is now being done by a special society formed for this purpose. From the experience of previous Associations, however, the campaigns for the prevention of blindness and for the aiding of those already blind, might very well have been carried on by the same organization, as is already being done so effectively in several states.


We need hardly suggest that the ideal Bureau which we have been forecasting, might be responsible for the production of a National Magazine such as the OUTLOOK FOR one BLIND. A comparatively small annual subsidy would make it possible to bring out once a month a magazine abundantly illustrated and rich in suggestions and material which would be invaluable to all workers for the blind throughout the country.


From the foregoing, it can easily be seen that there is a real need for a National Bureau for the Blind, and it is earnestly hoped dint the time may not long be delayed when this Bureau will be created. The endowment for a Bureau with such possibilities for service should be of such generous proportions that it would be possible to say that no State in the Union had appealed to it in vain for assistance its establishing the most effective methods for aiding the blind.



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