Library Collections: Document: Full Text

Anagnos Announcement

Creator: Michael Anagnos (author)
Date: December 1, 1900
Source: Perkins School for the Blind

Page 1:


We beg to announce that, through the action of the legislature of the State of Massachusetts, a plan has been perfected by which the adult blind may receive instruction at their homes in reading, writing and such manual occupation as they may be capable of undertaking, and which may prove a solace to them for many weary hours which must otherwise pass in idleness. Competent teachers have been selected to furnish all the assistance in their power for the successful performance of this work.


Since it is very desirable to reach as many as possible of those who may be waiting in darkness for the intellectual light to shine upon them through this means, it is earnestly hoped that all those to whom this notice may come will co-operate in the work by sending the name and address of any such blind person to the Perkins Institution for the Blind, South Boston, Massachusetts.


M. ANAGNOS. December 1, 1900