Library Collections: Document: Full Text

A Toast

Creator: H.I. Phillips (author)
Date: January 30, 1937
Publication: The President's Birthday Magazine
Publisher: National Committee for the Birthday Ball for the President to Fight Infantile Paralysis
Source: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

Page 1:


Not to a president or chief
Or ruler do I make this toast;
No tribute just because a man
Has reached the nation's highest post.


I pass the point of mere success
And, unmoved by his rise to fame,
Pay tribute to a kindly man
Who, stricken, rights and wins the game.


Not merely as a statesman are
His praises gladly by me sung;
I toast a man whose heart and hand
Have eased the anguish of the young.


A man who felt affliction strike --
Who grappled with it with a grin
And, winning, plunged into a fight
To help the stricken millions win.


A man who, felled in flush of health,
Made of his fate a swift crusade
That little children, crippled, might
Look to the future unafraid.


So lift your glasses to a man
Beneath whose gaze a Plague seems spent;
I think he'd rather rest on this
Than be a king or president.