Library Collections: Document: Full Text

P.T. Barnum to Moses Kimball, Letter 1, January 30, 1843

From: P.T. Barnum Letters To Moses Kimball
Creator: Phineas T. Barnum (author)
Date: January 1843
Source: Boston Athenaeum

Page 1:


Amer. Museum
January 30th, 1843


Dear Moses,


Yours is recd. and before going into the a/c know more how we stood than the man in the moon. I believe they have got it all correct now -- if not let me know at once, and I'll straigten -sic- it as I have copied it all plainly on to my book


My business averaged about $70 per day last week. so yours is not better than that. As I have to raise $500 to pay a Private loss before the 22 Feb. I send the General to Philadelphia on Sunday next. I shall run on and make arrangements next Thursday. He will probably be ready for you about the 1st to 10th of March. In a few days I will send you some fine lith-ograph of him so that you can be giving him notoriety. More of him anon.


Lyman don't know how Taylor is doing -- in fact he is now in Newark having; hired out to exhibit Christ and the Last Supper? I hope to continue to hear favorably from Taylor?. I myself feared he was remitting too fast -- he knows best, and if without a penny he -- has a address that would command assistance. In fact, acquainted with merchants in most of the south


I must have the fat boy or the other monster something new in the course of this week so as to sure to put them in the General's place next Monday. Don't fail! I don't want Yan Zoo unless he can perform on 8 feet stage and will come for $15 per week for two weeks with the privilege on my part and he pay his own expenses -- indeed I don't want him at all if you send the fat boy or something as good. Miss Smith will answer me anytime as well as Miss Mills from whom I have heard nothing. I hope you will get the Mother Carys chickens, for me. Now more about the General. I pay him an his father $7 per week and board and traveling expenses for all three father mother and son, and I have engaged my good friend Parson Hitchcock at $12 per week, board and travelling expenses. . .He is now doing it for and does it first rate. He will do the same at Philadelphia and Baltimore. When the Genl. goes to Boston the Parson may continue with him or he may remain here and attend to Peales Museum while the boy and parents go to Boston, and you pick up some genteel person in Boston to do it. Just as you please. I dare not trust my singer with him lest he may hamper with the Parents and try to hire them away. Indeed I fear the same from any person you might employ there. Hitchcock wages may seem high -- but he is genteel, industrious and knowing the way of the boy well., I think he will well earn all I pay him and of course before returning from Phil. and Baltimore he will be thoroughly rehearsed. So do as you please about Hitchcock but only if he don't go to Boston, you must employ some persons who won't pamper with the parents. Peales took $60 last week.


Applegates Mammoth 45 inches by 56 inches red and black, cost $13 Per 100 double that size $26. I can't raise 25 feet width at Peales.


Don't fail to send me some attractions in time for next week.


Yours forever and a day


Moses Kimball
Boston Museum