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KEYWORDS: Eugenics

Results: 41 - 70 of 72 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1908 Article    Document
1926 Article    Document
November 1, 1922 Article    Document
January 15, 1884 Annual Report    Document
April 1, 1917 Advertisement  Near full page newspaper ad for The Black Stork at the LaSalle Theater.  A spread wiinged black stork flies through the air over the title. Visual Still
1879 Conference Paper    Document
January 1926 Article    Document
December 18, 1915 Article    Document
October 4, 1913 Article    Document
June 1904 Article    Document
September 1897 Article    Document
November 1919 Article    Document
1899 Article    Document
November 8, 1922 Article    Document
March 1906 Article    Document
1903 Article    Document
1848 Annual Report    Document
1922 Poster  Group of blind boys with anti-gonorrhea message. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Girl diving off dock; message about overcoming disability. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Couple with baby and child. Message about the importance of passing on good blood to your children. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Mother lies in bed after giving birth; message about the danger of passing on syphillis to newborns. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Drawing of blind girl with a message warning about gonorrhea. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Painting of two healthy-looking children riding tricycles; message about importance of passing good traits on to your children. Visual Still
February 3, 1912 Article    Document
1922 Annual Report    Document
November 22, 1922 Article    Document
May 19, 1934 Article    Document
1888 Article    Document
March 2, 1912 Article    Document
September 15, 1917 Article    Document
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