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KEYWORDS: Advocacy

Results: 441 - 470 of 875 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1963 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
September 1899 Article    Document
January 23, 1946 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1909 Article    Document
June 1849 Article    Document
January 1870 Article    Document
1907 Book    Document
September 2, 1865 Article    Document
1855 Article    Document
1886 Article    Document
1886 Photograph  A portrait of Hervey Wilbur. Visual Still
1880 Photograph  Photographic portrait of Edouard Seguin. Visual Still
July 1933 Article    Document
April 1933 Article    Document
1905 Article    Document
circa 1930 Chart  Chart showing the number of injuries and the compensation dispensed for them in Pennsylvania. Each type of injury (arms, legs, feet, hands, and eyes) has a depiction of a man with that injury. The man is drawn larger for more common injuries. Visual Still
1905 Article    Document
October 25, 1941 Newsletter    Document
1880 Article    Document
1850 Article    Document
March 21, 1903 Article    Document
January 1933 Article    Document
January 1933 Photograph  Three man and two women in strange hats sit at a table. Visual Still
November 1932 Article    Document
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
February 1934 Magazine    Document
circa 1990 Poster  A women with a prosthetic right hand holds a resume in her hand. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
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