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KEYWORDS: Assistive Technology

Results: 311 - 340 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Room with sofa, chairs, bookcase, and fireplace. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Large room with desk, chairs, and sofa. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Large room with fireplace, sofa, desk, and chairs. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  Room with sofa, chairs, and fireplace.  Wheelchair just visible in doorway. Visual Still
May 1, 1945 Photograph  View of Top Cottage living room, including doors leading to porch. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A women with a prosthetic right hand holds a resume in her hand. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
1860 Lithograph  A boy wearing high-waist pants, an over-sized jacket, and a hat holds newspapers in both hands. Visual Still
circa 1850 Photograph  Bridgman, seated facing camera, holding book, dark dress with lace collar, dark glasses. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  One-legged man sits at typewrite Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  Woman sitting in wheelchair and holding crutch. Man stands next her holding cigar. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  Elderly Man And Woman With Wheelchair,  Woman dressed in long dress. Visual Still
circa 1910 Photograph  A man in a wooden wheelchair looks up from his desk. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  A man, with a hat on his lap, sits in a wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A young man, with hat on his knee, sits in a wheelchair with metal wheels. Visual Still
circa 1885 Photograph  A young man in a wheelchair in a Victorian home. Visual Still
circa 1905 Photograph  Visual Still
circa 1925 Photograph  Man using wheelchair in an office, another man at a desk. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs work on a puzzle of Georgia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs surround a large completed puzzle of Geogia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
1870 Photograph  Bridgman, seated, book in lap Visual Still
January 1934 Illustration  Design drawing of the mechanisms within an automobile. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A woman in an iron lung reads a book using a mouthstick. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Portrait of three blind musicians seated with their instruments -- a violin, a clarinet, and a piano. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A young man plays chess with assitive technology. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  Photographs of legs and arms with assitive devices for movement. Visual Still
August 1931 Photograph  A group of seventeen people, some in wheelchairs, some standing. Visual Still
1906 Postcard  A man, woman and child pose for a family portrait; man is wearing neck/head brace. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  Engraving of a weary looking soldier returning to his home. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A boy with a crutch rides on the shoulders of another boy. Visual Still
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