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KEYWORDS: Service organizations

Results: 201 - 240 of 282 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
November 1916   Poster showing sighted worker and blind man. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing worker taking dirt out of another worker's eye. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing a variety of dangers to eyesight in industrial work. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing men blinded while working without goggles. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing good and bad lighting in the workplace. Visual Still
April 1924 Photograph  Close-up of safety goggles, one lens shattered. Visual Still
November 1917 Photograph  A set of 94 broken goggles. Visual Still
November 1917 Photograph  One worker pours babbitt with a single hand ladle while another worker looks on. They both have safety glasses on, which are emphasized by 2 drawn on white arrows. Visual Still
November 1917 Poster  Poster showing workplace accident. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A student in a wheel chair ascends the ramp of a school while a group of other students sit on the steps Getting in has gotten easier. Fitting in hasn't. Visual Still
1946   A man works at an adding machine. Visual Still
1946 Photograph  Three leaders of Goodwill Industries examine a report. Visual Still
1946 Photograph  An African African man, a double amputee, works on a case of broken dolls. Visual Still
1946 Photograph  People sitting in pews in a church. Visual Still
1946 Photograph  A man at a blackboard illustrates the way Goddwill works. Visual Still
1946 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing money in wages and percentages of people with various disabilities who earned those wages. Visual Still
1946 Charts & Tables  Charts showing income goals for 1947 and what the inccrease would mean for staff and jobs. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Three photographs of women working on with typewriters. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Photograps of office staff and a printer. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Three photographs, two of children and one of a man getting out of a car. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Fifteen elderly men and women sit in two rows. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A women with a prosthetic right hand holds a resume in her hand. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A front on shot of a city bus. Visual Still
circa 1980 Photograph  A with glasses wearing a baseball uniform prepares to throw a baseball. Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A boy with a hunched back is carried on the shoulders of another boy in front of a newstand. Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A bald well-dressed man invites John to come watch him eat boned turkey Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A child's drawing of of a fenced house and trees Visual Still
1992 Photograph  A young boy wearing sunglasses plays a harmonica. Visual Still
1917 Photograph  Men making baskets. Visual Still
January 30, 1937 Postcard  Photograph of Henry Doherty, a man with goatee and spectacles. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Chart showing number of people in vocational rehabilitation programs and the foster grandparent program. Visual Still
circa 1950 Stamps  Stamp with image of child in braces about to throw a baseball. Visual Still
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet  Drawing of children carrying crutches with fairy flying above with banner, Health To All. Visual Still
circa 1980 Photograph  A teacher helps a young girl write her name. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Cover of Goodwill's 1942 annual report. A man working standing next to a kitchen blender. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  An elderly woman sewing an American flag. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  A young woman on the telephone. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Three women sits and talk. One has a crutch and braces. Another has a cane. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
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