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KEYWORDS: Physical Disability

Results: 31 - 60 of 947 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with double leg amputations are being taught to walk with prostheses. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes At work again and Back to the farm in which men using working protheses perform manual labor in a woodworking shop and on a farm. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a disabled veteran in a field with his wife. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes of men in hospitals recovering from war wounds - simple designing while still in bed ; an American soldier begins again to take an interest in life. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a portrait photograph of a man who lost his arm in an industrial accident, also shows a view of him at a machine in a woodworking shop. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a man recovering from war wounds at Walter Reed Hospital learning the craft of engraving. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with partial leg amputations are being taught to work in a printshop. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a disabled man with one leg working with film projection equipment. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with partial arm amputations are taught welding. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which blind men perform mechanical tasks in workshops. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which disabled veterans learn trades. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with partial arm amputations perform mechanical drafting without the need for prostheses. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which disabled soldiers are being taught useful skills to enable them to find employment upon discharge from military service - Disabled Serbians working in the carpentry shop at Lyons, France ; A tailoring class in Paris taught by a one-legged instructor. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Poster explaining government policies toward disabled military personnel. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Poster reading that The Disabled Man Who is Profitably Employed Is No Longer Handicapped.

Training for self-support is not only humane, but economical. The advantages already extended to injured soldiers at home and abroad must be extended to every citizen disabled in industry or accident.

Rehabilitation is the fundamental means of attack on the problem of disability. Let us help the cripple in the future, not by handing out alms, but by giving him a fair chance to win his own way to self-respect and self-support. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A student in a wheel chair ascends the ramp of a school while a group of other students sit on the steps Getting in has gotten easier. Fitting in hasn't. Visual Still
1942 Poster  Movie poster - Show ideal bodies of man and woman. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A women with a prosthetic right hand holds a resume in her hand. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Girl diving off dock; message about overcoming disability. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Drawing of blind girl with a message warning about gonorrhea. Visual Still
1968 Poster  Cowboys brand a calf while another cowboy with a crutch sits on a rock. Visual Still
1970 Poster  Text poster about how to get black lung benefits. Visual Still
1968 Poster  A man in a wheelchair laughs with his wife and a nurse. Visual Still
circa 1905 Postcard  Color illustration shows seated women making flower arrangements at a long table. Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Group photograph of campers waving.  One girl is circled in pen and labelled Me. Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper thanking donor for his contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
August 29, 1948 Postcard  Group photograph of campers waving.  One child is circled in pen and labelled Me. Visual Still
August 29, 1948 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper to donor thanking her for her contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
August 31, 1945 Postcard  Group photo of children at Camp Daddy Allen.  One child is circled in pen on the photograph and labelled Me. Visual Still
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