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1927 Speech    Document
1870 Sheet Music  Man and woman holding baby standing behind fence, watching little girl with book in front of fence Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A man with a prosthetic right arm cradles a baby. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  Two elderly brothers on a metal foot bridge sign to one another. Visual Still
1936 Poster  Children sing while a woman presents Franklin Roosevelt with a birthday cake. Visual Still
1942 Poster  Movie poster - Show ideal bodies of man and woman. Visual Still
circa 1990 Poster  A view from a wheelchair as they pass through a sliding door. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Group of blind boys with anti-gonorrhea message. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Couple with baby and child. Message about the importance of passing on good blood to your children. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Mother lies in bed after giving birth; message about the danger of passing on syphillis to newborns. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Drawing of blind girl with a message warning about gonorrhea. Visual Still
1959 Poster  A balding man with glasses looks through an hour glass. Visual Still
November 9, 1943 Postcard  A group of civilian men sit on benches as two men in military uniforms hand out exams Visual Still
November 9, 1943 Postcard  Handwritten text from a recruit to his family. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Color postcard cartoon depicts man flying an airplane away from a brick building labeled Insane Asylum while guards look on from the roof. Visual Still
August 14, 1977 Postcard  Photograph of young man helping a boy row a rowboat.  Two girls are also in the boat. Visual Still
circa 1905 Postcard  Color illustration shows seated women making flower arrangements at a long table. Visual Still
1909 Postcard  Bright color illustration of an elderly blind man leading a young blind boy past a Danger sign Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Group photograph of campers waving.  One girl is circled in pen and labelled Me. Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper thanking donor for his contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
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