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Date Format Image Collection
May 1933 Advertisement  A advertisement showing a man working on braces in his shop. Visual Still
August 1931 Illustration  A drawing of the basic wheelchair in use at Warm Springs. Visual Still
April 1933 Advertisement  Advertisement with a picture of a cane-backed wheelchair. Visual Still
August 1933 Advertisement  A advertisment for a folding wheelchair. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertisement with a chauffeur pushing a woman in a wheelchair into a car. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertsiement for a folding wheelchair. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertisement for a folding wheelchair. Visual Still
July 1933 Advertisement  An advertisment for a wicker wheelchair. Visual Still
July 1933 Advertisement  Advertisement for a gasoline-powered wheelchair. Visual Still
May 1933 Advertisement  Advertisement for an adjustable wheelchair. Visual Still
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