Curriculum Standards And Disability History

Because people with disabilities have played important roles across all aspects and periods of human endeavor, disability history provides a rich source for the social studies. Each Lesson Cluster in the DHM identifies relevant national standards. These readily align with state standards.

The Curriculum Standards for Social Studies address overall curriculum design and comprehensive student performance expectations, while the National Standards for History provide focused and enhanced content detail. Access the full National Standards for History (1996) from the National Center for History in the Schools, University of California, Los Angeles: Access the full Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (1994) from the National Council for the Social Studies:

Curriculum Standards for Cluster:
"Hearing Voices": The Campaign For Moral Treatment


Era 4: Expansion and Reform (1801-1861) 

STANDARD 4: The sources and character
of cultural, religious, and social reform movements in the antebellum

    4B The student understands how
    Americans strived to reform society and create a distinct culture.   

      - Explain the importance
      of the Second Great Awakening and the ideas of its principal leaders.
      [Examine the influence of ideas.] 

      - Assess how the Second Great
      Awakening impinged on antebellum issues such as public education, temperance,
      women's suffrage, abolition, and commercialization. [Analyze cause-and-effect

    4C The student understands changing
    gender roles and the ideas and activities of women reformers.   

      - Analyze the activities
      of women of different racial and social groups in the reform movements
      for education, abolition, temperance, and women's suffrage. [Examine
      the importance of the individual.]  


Overview: This lesson cluster requires
analysis of individual rights and the role of the government in protecting
them. Lessons examine the role of reformers, especially women, in advocating
for the care of people with disabilities. President Pierce's veto of
the "Dix Bill" marked an important early use of a states'
rights argument in debates over who bears responsibility for social

I. Culture

Selected High School Performance

    a. analyze and explain the ways
    groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns; 

IV. Individual Development &

Selected High School Performance

    i. examine factors that contribute
    to and damage one's mental health and analyze issues related to mental
    health and behavioral disorders in contemporary society.  

V. Individuals, Groups, & Institutions

Selected High School Performance

    a. Apply concepts such as role,
    status, and social class in describing the connections and interactions
    of individuals, groups, and institutions in society.

    b. Analyze group and institutional
    influences on people, events, and elements of culture in both historical
    and contemporary settings.

    c. Describe the various forms
    that institutions take, and explain how they develop and change over

    d. identify and analyze examples
    of tensions between expressions of individuality and efforts to promote
    social conformity by groups and institutions;

    e. Describe and examine belief
    systems basic to specific traditions and laws in contemporary and historical

    f. Evaluate the role of institutions
    in furthering both continuity and change.

    g. Analyze the extent to which
    groups and institutions meet individual needs and promote the common
    good in contemporary and historical settings.

    h. Explain and apply ideas and
    modes of inquiry drawn from behavioral science and social theory in
    the examination of persistent issues and social problems.  

VI. Power; Authority, & Governance

Selected High School Performance

    a. examine persistent issues
    involving the rights, roles, and status of the individual in relation
    to the general welfare;

    c. analyze and explain the ideas
    and mechanisms to meet needs and wants of citizens, regulate territory,
    manage conflict, establish order and security, and balance competing
    conceptions of a just society;  

X. Civic Ideals and Practices

Selected High School Performance

    a. explain the origins and continuing
    influence of key ideals of the democratic republican form of government,
    such as individual human dignity, liberty, justice, equality, and the
    rule of law;

    b. identify, analyze, interpret,
    and evaluate sources and examples of citizens' rights and responsibilities;

    c. locate, access, analyze, organize,
    sythesize, evalute, and apply information about selected public issuesâ??identifying,
    describing, and evaluating multiple points of view;

    e. analyze and evaluate the influence
    of various forms of citizen action on public policy;

    g. evaluate the effectiveness
    of public opinion in influencing and shaping public policy development
    and decision-making;

    h. evaluate the degree to which
    public policies and citizen behaviors reflect or foster the stated ideals
    of a democratic republican form of government;

    i. construct a policy statement
    and an action plan to achieve one or more goals related to an issue
    of public concern;