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Results: 91 - 130 of 424 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 1908 Article    Document
June 1897 Photograph  A small, plain house with shutters. Visual Still
December 8, 1966 Article    Document
1898 Pamphlet    Document
1869 Book    Document
1869 Book  A boy looks into the sky near the ocean. Visual Still
1895 Book    Document
June 1932 Advertisement    Document
June 1932 Photograph  A boy sitting in a chair. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Two children sit in a swing with a nurse standing behind them. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A man is about to hit a golf ball with a driver while another golfer watches. Visual Still
February 13, 1958 Speech    Document
1854 Book    Document
1970 Article    Document
May 25, 1890 Article    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
January 1926 Article    Document
April 1958 Article    Document
April 17, 1927 Correspondence    Document
1859 Book    Document
1859 Book    Document
April 3, 1879 Postcard    Document
April 30, 1879 Postcard    Document
June 2, 1879 Postcard    Document
July 1, 1879 Postcard    Document
July 23, 1879 Postcard    Document
August 11, 1879 Postcard    Document
September 2, 1879 Postcard    Document
November 18, 1879 Postcard    Document
January 31, 1880 Postcard    Document
March 13, 1880 Postcard    Document
April 20, 1880 Postcard    Document
June 2, 1880 Postcard    Document
August 17, 1880 Postcard    Document
November 10, 1880 Postcard    Document
February 20, 1881 Postcard    Document
August 31, 1881 Postcard    Document
October 15, 1881 Postcard    Document
November 3, 1881 Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
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