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KEYWORDS: Diagnoses & Diseases

Results: 71 - 110 of 396 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 1956 Newsletter  A drawing of a puppy and a kitten peering around a birthday card. Visual Still
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Newsletter  A squirrel and a bird next to a tree. Visual Still
1956 Annual Report    Document
September 1955 Article    Document
September 1955 Article    Document
September 1955 Newsletter  A monkey with a hat sits in a tree. Visual Still
July 1955 Article    Document
July 1955 Article    Document
July 1955 Illustration  A drawn picture of a cat in a picnic basket. Visual Still
June 15, 1949 Speech    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
January 23, 1946 Article    Document
May 5, 1945 Legal documents    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
May 1940 Article    Document
1940 Annual Report    Document
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet    Document
January 30, 1939 Pamphlet  Drawing of children carrying crutches with fairy flying above with banner, Health To All. Visual Still
January 4, 1939 Correspondence    Document
November 17, 1938 Correspondence    Document
October 9, 1938 Correspondence    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 11, 1938 Correspondence    Document
September 23, 1937 Speech    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
January 30, 1937 Postcard  Photograph of Henry Doherty, a man with goatee and spectacles. Visual Still
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
January 30, 1937 Speech    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
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