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KEYWORDS: Diagnoses & Diseases

Results: 371 - 396 of 396 total  


Date Format Image Collection
March 19, 1908 Article    Document
1908 Photograph  Row of beds on a balconey. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Layout of a large institution with many wings. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  A large building with many windows. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Series of small buildings. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Large brick building with cupola at center. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Aerial view of large institutional complex. Visual Still
1907 Book    Document
circa 1905 Postcard  The Kindergarten, The Pennsylvania School for the Blind, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. A two-story building with tile roof, children in front. Visual Still
September 1899 Article    Document
1893 Book    Document
1893 Illustration  Sketch of child with drippy eyes. Visual Still
circa 1885 Ephemera  Trade card showing bottle of Adamson's Balsam positioned as cannon aimed at skeleton wearing cloak marked Coughs Colds Consumption. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Formal portrait of seven young children with Down's Syndrome. Visual Still
1880 Article    Document
1877 Article    Document
February 22, 1876 Government Document  Handwritten form detailing the admission of Anne and James Sullivan to the Tewksbury State Almshouse. Visual Still
1873 Annual Report    Document
January 1873 Government Document    Document
1870     Document
1870 Illustration  Two images of a man who had a musket ball pass through his head. Visual Still
1870 Illustration  An engraving of the back of a man's head with a large cavity. Visual Still
January 1870 Article    Document
1864 Annual Report    Document
1852 Annual Report    Document
1837 Speech    Document
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