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Results: 91 - 120 of 315 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
August 15, 1938 Speech    Document
February 18, 1931 Speech    Document
September 1918 Article    Document
1904 Article    Document
1904 Article    Document
August 14, 1935 Government Document    Document
August 11, 1939 Government Document    Document
September 1897 Article    Document
June 1904 Article    Document
July 1852 Article    Document
April 1933 Photograph  Image of Franklin Roosevelt. Visual Still
February 13, 1958 Speech    Document
December 18, 1915 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
October 1873 Article    Document
June 1891 Article    Document
January 1916 Article    Document
1920 Article    Document
1947 Book    Document
May 1, 1898 Cover  Print showing a bloated Civil War veteran sitting on a chair beneath a sign that states How the Fatman has grown. On display next to him is Uncle Sam sitting on a chair beneath a sign that states The Living Skeleton. Visual Still
1879 Conference Paper    Document
1962 Speech    Document
1959 Article    Document
February 11, 1856 Annual Report    Document
1876 Annual Report    Document
January 15, 1885 Annual Report    Document
February 10, 1853 Annual Report    Document
January 23, 1855 Annual Report    Document
1852 Annual Report    Document
January 22, 1873 Annual Report    Document
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