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Date Format Image Collection
1858 Engraving  Older women sits on stool next to fence, broken window, and broom, her clothing somewhat tattered. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  Three gentlemen, two of them seated, talking in a room. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man points at an unseen figure, a man and a woman next to him. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man in a top hat scratches his head, elderly women in tatters behind him. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man on a stage pulls up his sleeve, five gentlemen sitting behind him. Visual Still
October 24, 1874 Engraving  Visual Still
1848 Engraving  A man raises his fist at a woman. Two children struggle to pull them apart. Another woman enters the chaotic room. Visual Still
1848 Engraving  A man sits outside a curved cage. A man and a woman watch. Three figures in the background stand by bars. Visual Still
August 2, 1879 Engraving    Document
circa 1900 Ephemera  An engraving of a blacksmith working at an anvil.  One hand covers an eye. Visual Still
circa 1920 Ephemera  A man with one leg amputated below the knee sits on a chair outdoors. Visual Still
circa 1910 Ephemera  Lantern slide of men waiting in line to speak to a salvation army worker, probably in NY. Visual Still
February 22, 1876 Government Document  Handwritten form detailing the admission of Anne and James Sullivan to the Tewksbury State Almshouse. Visual Still
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
June 25, 1850 Government Document    Document
May 3, 1854 Government Document    Document
1843 Government Document    Document
August 8, 1850 Government Document    Document
1821 Government Document    Document
February 10, 1964 Government Document    Document
1887 Government Document    Document
1877 Government Document    Document
1869 Illustration  A young woman in bed looks out her window at the town. Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A boy with a hunched back is carried on the shoulders of another boy in front of a newstand. Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A bald well-dressed man invites John to come watch him eat boned turkey Visual Still
1860 Illustration  A child's drawing of of a fenced house and trees Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A man in a top hat talking with a newsboy. Visual Still
November 16, 1842 Letter    Document
November 11, 1842 Letter    Document
November 10, 1842 Letter    Document
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