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Results: 121 - 150 of 315 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1936 Poster  A poster exhorting people to march to the post office to obtain a social security number. Visual Still
1936 Poster  A man holds a Socila Security check with the Capitol Building in the background. Visual Still
August 14, 1935 Government Document    Document
March 7, 1935 Government Document    Document
January 17, 1935 Government Document    Document
November 14, 1934 Speech    Document
September 30, 1934 Speech    Document
June 29, 1934 Government Document    Document
June 28, 1934 Speech    Document
June 8, 1934 Government Document    Document
1934 Book    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
July 1933 Article    Document
April 1933 Photograph  Image of Franklin Roosevelt. Visual Still
March 1933 Article    Document
March 1933 Article    Document
March 1933 Illustration  A cartoon of a man using a pickaxe, pushing a wheelbarrow, and carrying a box up stairs. Visual Still
January 1933     Document
August 1931 Article    Document
July 1931 Article    Document
February 18, 1931 Speech    Document
1927 Speech    Document
1924 Book    Document
1922 Annual Report    Document
1920 Article    Document
December 31, 1919 Annual Report    Document
November 1919 Article    Document
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