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KEYWORDS: Economics

Results: 161 - 170 of 639 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1893 Book    Document
circa 1895 Photograph  Full frontal portrait of Mrs. Tom Thumb in dress. Visual Still
June 1896 Article    Document
1897 Article    Document
September 1897 Article    Document
May 1, 1898 Cover  Print showing a bloated Civil War veteran sitting on a chair beneath a sign that states How the Fatman has grown. On display next to him is Uncle Sam sitting on a chair beneath a sign that states The Living Skeleton. Visual Still
1899 Book    Document
1899 Article    Document
September 1899 Article    Document
circa 1900 Ephemera  An engraving of a blacksmith working at an anvil.  One hand covers an eye. Visual Still
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