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KEYWORDS: Service organizations

Results: 31 - 60 of 282 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1956 Annual Report    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet  First page of I Want to Thank You with My Eyes. Photograph of a baby above title. Visual Still
July 21, 1916 Letter    Document
circa 1915 Pamphlet    Document
1912 Photograph  Man stands before a switchboard. Visual Still
circa 1970 Photograph  Photograph of a young African-American boy in a sweater and suspenders. Visual Still
September 23, 1937 Speech    Document
unknown Stamps  A young boy using braces holds a ball over his head. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Drawing of the face of a smiling boy.  The tip of a crutch can be seen under his left arm. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing an infant using braces and a walker. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young girl using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a smiling boy, standing in a beam of light, using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using a leg brace, carrying firewood. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using crutches, watering flowers with a watering can. Visual Still
1982 Speech    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1979 Speech    Document
February 25, 1940 Newsletter    Document
December 31, 1920 Poster  Two posters promoting eye safety. Visual Still
circa 1940 Postcard  A woman leads two little girls, one who uses crutches, up the front walk past flowers to the hospital. Visual Still
circa 1960 Photograph  Seven children sit at a table.  Three of the children have Down Syndrome. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Secretary taking dictation. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  A set of five posters on trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing individuals made blind from trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways that trachoma can be transmitted. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways to prevent trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  A poster showing where trachoma occurs. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing how trachoma can be controlled. Visual Still
1865 Pamphlet    Document
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