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Results: 1041 - 1065 of 1065 total  


Date Format Image Collection
April 9, 1963 Speech    Document
October 23, 1962 Speech    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1982 Speech    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1979 Speech    Document
1979 Speech    Document
1974 Speech    Document
1979 Speech    Document
1976 Speech    Document
September 23, 1937 Speech    Document
May 1969 Speech    Document
June 1968 Speech    Document
November 15, 1968 Speech    Document
July 17, 1967 Speech    Document
1927 Speech    Document
circa 1950 Stamps  Visual Still
circa 1950 Stamps  Stamp with image of child in braces about to throw a baseball. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  A young boy using braces holds a ball over his head. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Drawing of the face of a smiling boy.  The tip of a crutch can be seen under his left arm. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing an infant using braces and a walker. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young girl using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a smiling boy, standing in a beam of light, using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using a leg brace, carrying firewood. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using crutches, watering flowers with a watering can. Visual Still
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