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Date Format Image Collection
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959     Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of a women in a wheelchair with chestpiece as a girls looks on. Visual Still
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of woman in a wheelchair with children applying make-up. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Ida Brinkman, in a wheelchair, surrounded by a boy holding a football, a girl holding a doll, and a boy holding an airplane. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A woman in wheelchair and wearing a chestliece plays shuffleboard. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A photograph of a car seat with a homemade head support. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of homemade lifts and an exterior elevator. Visual Still
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Photograph  A woman in a hospitali cot with a hydraulic lift. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A photograph of a woman in a motorized wheelchair. Visual Still
1959 Article    Document
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of a woman in a wheelchair wearing a cape. Visual Still
1959 Article    Document
1959 Photograph  A man with a respirator attended by a nurse on a plane. Visual Still
June 15, 1949 Speech    Document
January 23, 1946 Article    Document
November 9, 1943 Postcard  A group of civilian men sit on benches as two men in military uniforms hand out exams Visual Still
circa 1940 Photograph  Photograph of man speaking into radio microphone at cerebral palsy fundraiser. Visual Still
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
1938 Poster  A look inside the body of the AMA. Visual Still
February 1934 Advertisement    Document
February 1934 Article    Document
February 1934 Photograph  The driving mechanisms of Roosevelt's car. Visual Still
January 1934 Article    Document
January 1934 Article    Document
January 1934 Illustration  Design drawing of the mechanisms within an automobile. Visual Still
December 1933 Photograph  A bus with three men, one in a wheelchair. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertisement with a chauffeur pushing a woman in a wheelchair into a car. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertsiement for a folding wheelchair. Visual Still
December 1933 Advertisement  An advertisement for a folding wheelchair. Visual Still
November 1933 Article    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
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