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KEYWORDS: Education

Results: 161 - 190 of 659 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
November 8, 1922 Article    Document
1879 Article    Document
1899 Article    Document
August 1933 Photograph  A young man sits in a chair and reads a book. Visual Still
June 1918 Article    Document
December 8, 1966 Article    Document
circa 1980 Photograph  A teacher helps a young girl write her name. Visual Still
1962 Magazine  Campus scene with a young woman in a wheelchair. Visual Still
1904 Article    Document
January 1900 Article    Document
1898 Pamphlet    Document
1898 Photograph  A portrait of a man with sideburns. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A house with circular driveway, tress, and shrubbery. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A large, ornate house with shrubbery in front. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A large house with fence and elm trees. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A three-story building with porch and hedges. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A house with porch, structure with rope swing in front. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A hill with a row elm trees. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  One man with apron, two women in light blouses and dark skirts, printing equipment. Visual Still
September 1897 Article    Document
June 1904 Article    Document
1869 Book    Document
1869 Book  A boy looks into the sky near the ocean. Visual Still
1895 Book    Document
January 1900 Article    Document
June 1932 Article    Document
June 1932 Photograph  Two photographs -- one of a large building, the other of a man sitting on a couch reading a book. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Six children, two in wheelchairs, examine a globe, their teacher in the background. Visual Still
February 13, 1958 Speech    Document
1966 Article    Document
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