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KEYWORDS: Cognitive Disability

Results: 201 - 230 of 402 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 12, 1870     Document
October 12, 1870 Illustration  An images of a prosperous large building with a picket fence and trees. Visual Still
October 12, 1870 Illustration  A large, ornate institutional building with trees in the foreground. Visual Still
1850 Article    Document
1880 Article    Document
1880 Article    Document
1880 Photograph  Photographic portrait of Edouard Seguin. Visual Still
1886 Article    Document
1855 Article    Document
September 2, 1865 Article    Document
1827 Pamphlet  Poem from The Idiot. Visual Still
1907 Book    Document
January 1870 Article    Document
June 1849 Article    Document
January 23, 1946 Article    Document
September 1899 Article    Document
January 1986 Government Document    Document
1843 Government Document    Document
circa 1970 Photograph  A boy at a kitchen table holds his hands on top of his head and smiles while a woman looks on. Visual Still
July 21, 1968 Speech    Document
1962 Article    Document
1946 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing money in wages and percentages of people with various disabilities who earned those wages. Visual Still
November 29, 1922 Article    Document
March 16, 1918 Article    Document
October 26, 1963 Speech    Document
February 18, 1912 Article    Document
February 18, 1912 Photograph  Images of four people, three women and a man, beneath caption reading Menaces to Society. Visual Still
March 1877 Government Document    Document
February 1849 Article    Document
1850 Photograph  Half tone photomechanical portrait of Edouard Seguin;  half-length Visual Still
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