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KEYWORDS: Moral Literature

Results: 81 - 102 of 102 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1868 Illustration  A woman watches as a girl in a bonnet looks into a mirror. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A woman sits inside at her easel. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  An elderly man weaves baskets as two women watch. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A girl knits while watching a baby in a cradle. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A young girl sits on her Grandpa's lap as he shows her his watch. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A child feeds some leaves to a pony from a porch. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A boy with a crutch rides on the shoulders of another boy. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A child in fancy dress passes flowers through an iron fence to a child in simple dress. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  Women and children surround a basket of apples. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  Two girls lovingly watch a sleeping baby. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A color picture of a woman under a tree showing a book of animal pictures to a group of children Visual Still
1868 Book  The title page of The New Book of 200 Pictures Visual Still
1868 Illustration  An elderly women mends to pants while a boy unhappily waits. Visual Still
1869 Illustration  A young woman in bed looks out her window at the town. Visual Still
1869 Book    Document
1869 Book  A boy looks into the sky near the ocean. Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Little girl being carried by angels away from cemetary. Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Sheet Music Visual Still
1870 Sheet Music  Man and woman holding baby standing behind fence, watching little girl with book in front of fence Visual Still
1874 Book    Document
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