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KEYWORDS: Physical Disability

Results: 211 - 240 of 947 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly woman sits in wheelchair inspecting screws. Visual Still
1944 Annual Report    Document
circa 1943 Photograph  A short statured woman wearing pants and a flowered scarf drills rivets on an airplane. Visual Still
1943 Annual Report    Document
1943 Annual Report    Document
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Short statured man working inside wing of a B-17 Visual Still
October 26, 1942 Newsletter    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
1942 Photograph  Pilgrims on kneelers in the Chapel of Miracles.  A man using a crutch stands on the right. Visual Still
1942 Poster  Movie poster - Show ideal bodies of man and woman. Visual Still
1942     Document
1942 Charts & Tables    Document
1942 Photograph  Three women sits and talk. One has a crutch and braces. Another has a cane. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
May 1940 Article    Document
March 27, 1940 Correspondence    Document
circa 1940 Photograph  Photograph of man speaking into radio microphone at cerebral palsy fundraiser. Visual Still
circa 1940 Photograph  Young girl on crutches is climbing steps at the entrance to a building Visual Still
circa 1940 Postcard  Photograph of large group of musicians posing with their instruments under a tree Visual Still
circa 1940 Postcard  A woman leads two little girls, one who uses crutches, up the front walk past flowers to the hospital. Visual Still
1940 Annual Report    Document
June 28, 1939 Correspondence    Document
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt and the royal couple sit at a table on the porch of Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Looking up on the Top Cottage porch during the royal visit. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  FDR sits at a table next a standing Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  King George sits at a table with two women and a man outside Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Group sitting on chairs next to Top Cottage porch.  A line of people leads to porch entrance. Visual Still
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