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Results: 11 - 30 of 77 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1966 Article    Document
1962 Article    Document
1960 Article    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1982 Speech    Document
April 1900 Article    Document
1962 Article    Document
1966 Article    Document
1942     Document
1942 Photograph  Cover of Goodwill's 1942 annual report. A man working standing next to a kitchen blender. Visual Still
1944 Annual Report    Document
1966 Article    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
June 1933 Article    Document
April 1932 Article    Document
April 1932 Photograph  A man and and woman in wheelchairs with two men standing. Visual Still
1959 Magazine    Document
1960 Photograph  A young man plays chess with assitive technology. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A woman in an iron lung reads a book using a mouthstick. Visual Still
January 1934 Article    Document
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