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Date Format Image Collection
November 1956 Article    Document
November 1956 Photograph  A smiling father plays with a young girl in a crib. Visual Still
May 1935 Article    Document
March 3, 1868 Photograph  Two frontal views of the ruins of Barnum's Museum. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Color postcard cartoon depicts man flying an airplane away from a brick building labeled Insane Asylum while guards look on from the roof. Visual Still
November 18, 1915 Newspaper  Newspaper headline reads Baby Dies; Physician Upheld - Autopsy Puts Boy In Class Of Defectives - Dr. Reinhardt Says Dr. Haiselden Did RIght to Allow Death Visual Still
1988 Article    Document
1988 Article    Document
1988 Article    Document
1988 Article    Document
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