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KEYWORDS: Massachusetts

Results: 141 - 170 of 338 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1830 Lithograph  Lithograph of large building with columns Visual Still
1833 Lithograph  A carriage at the front of a large institutional building. Visual Still
circa 1850 Lithograph  A horse drawn carriage carries a woman, child, and man to the gates of the Alms House. Visual Still
circa 1860 Lithograph  Lithograph that depicts a woman with 2 children pointing towards the State Alms House which sits on a hill. Visual Still
November 16, 1842 Letter    Document
November 11, 1842 Letter    Document
July 22, 1842 Letter    Document
November 10, 1842 Letter    Document
December 31, 1842 Letter    Document
March 29, 1890 Letter    Document
May 3, 1890 Letter    Document
October 22, 1904 Letter    Document
October 12, 1870 Illustration  An images of a prosperous large building with a picket fence and trees. Visual Still
1911 Illustration  Massachusetts Commission for the Blind trademark logo. Visual Still
circa 1835 Illustration  side view from street, three story brick building, people on sidewalk and street, walking, on horseback, in wagon Visual Still
1850 Illustration  Exterior, corner view of Perkins Institution, with horse-drawn wagons and children with kites. Visual Still
1833 Illustration  Architectural design of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital Visual Still
February 22, 1876 Government Document  Handwritten form detailing the admission of Anne and James Sullivan to the Tewksbury State Almshouse. Visual Still
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
March 1877 Government Document    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
January 1873 Government Document    Document
1843 Government Document    Document
1850 Government Document    Document
1821 Government Document    Document
1837 Government Document    Document
January 4, 1832 Government Document    Document
December 6, 1832 Government Document    Document
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