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KEYWORDS: Charles Stratton, Tom Thumb

Results: 1 - 62 of 62 total  


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1865 Photograph  Souvenir photograph of Tom Thumb dressed as a sailor. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Tom Thumb dress in traditional Scottish clothing. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Bust view, oval format, of Tom Thumb in his later years, with beard and wearing coat and vest. Visual Still
circa 1895 Photograph  Full frontal portrait of Mrs. Tom Thumb in dress. Visual Still
circa 1844 Photograph  P.T Barnum sits in a chair.  Tom Thumb, with hand on Barnum's shoulder and in uniform, stands on table. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  A short-statured man in formal dress stands with one hand on a chair. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  A short-statured man and woman dressed formally. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  A short-statuer man and woman stand between a chair and drapery. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  A short-statured man and woman, both formally dressed. Visual Still
circa 1881 Photograph  Full frontal view of Mr. and Mrs. Thumb standing on a balcony. Visual Still
1993 Photograph  A set of four miniature carriages, one in the shape of a walnut. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Charles Stratton and Lavinia Warren with a baby. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph    Document
circa 1865 Photograph  Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb stroll down a busy city street arm in arm, dressed in formal wear. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb and their wedding party stand on top of a piano and entertain guests. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb sit in a parlor dressed casually as a servant waits on them. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Full frontal standing view of subjects in formal wear. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Full frontal view of Mr. and Mrs. Thumb in their wedding clothes. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  A text description of Mrs. Tom Thumb's reception dress. Visual Still
1993 Photograph  Boots and a suit next to an open book. Visual Still
2003 Photograph  A very monument with a life-size statute of Tom Thumb on top. Visual Still
circa 1844 Photograph  Image of young Charles Stratton sitting next to his father. Visual Still
circa 1860 Pamphlet    Document
1863 Pamphlet    Document
1863 Pamphlet  Front cover of pamphlet recounting the lives of Tom Thumb and his wife Lavinia Warren Stratton Visual Still
March 22, 1844 Illustration  Lithograph of Charles Stratton dressed as Napoleon Bonaparte. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of Charles Stratton's residence; a horse drawn carriage in the foreground passes the gated mansion. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration depicting an adult male lecturing Gen. Tom Thumb who is in uniform. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration depicting Tom Thumb fending off a small dog with his cane, to the apparent amusement of an adult crowd in a parlor. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of the wedding ceremony inside of a church. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of diamond necklace that Gen. Tom Thumb gave to his wife. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of presents including jewelry, furs, a cradle, and a chair. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of a fruit basket received as a wedding gift. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of a watch received as a wedding gift. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of the wedding cake and more gifts. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustrations of wedding gifts, including a mechanical bird given by P.T. Barnum. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustrations of wedding gifts, including one from Mrs. Astor. Visual Still
circa 1845 Illustration  A tiny Tom Thumb stands on a table next a woman and two men.  The room is ornate. Visual Still
January 1843 Correspondence    Document
February 5, 1843 Correspondence    Document
March 8, 1843 Correspondence    Document
September 1, 1843 Correspondence    Document
September 4, 1843 Correspondence    Document
October 12, 1843 Correspondence    Document
August 18, 1844 Correspondence    Document
January 30, 1845 Correspondence    Document
April 30, 1845 Correspondence    Document
March 28, 1908 Article    Document
February 21, 1863 Article    Document
January 31, 1863 Article    Document
September 16, 1906 Article    Document
October 7, 1906 Article    Document
October 21, 1906 Article    Document
November 25, 1906 Article    Document
December 16, 1906 Article    Document
October 31, 1846 Article    Document
January 2, 1847 Article    Document
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Reverse side of advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
1855     Document
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