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Date Format Image Collection
1962 Article  With Paris in the background, the author smiles from his wheelchair. Visual Still
November 1933 Article    Document
June 1932 Article    Document
July 1932 Article    Document
April 1932 Article    Document
1916 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1963 Article    Document
July 1946 Article    Document
July 1955 Article    Document
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Article    Document
1962 Article  A photographs of a young man in a wheelchair swinging a baseball bat and of a group of young people in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1962 Article  Photographs of people square dancing in wheelchairs and of four cheerleaders in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1962 Article    Document
1849 Book    Document
1843 Book    Document
1893 Book  Childern in a large room, some sitting and others standing. Visual Still
1868 Book    Document
1863 Broadside    Document
1967 Charts & Tables  Bar graph showing responses about various programs. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. A woman shows Good Willy around Goodwill Industries. Visual Still
January 1843 Correspondence    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
1924 Illustration  A man paints with his foot. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A map of the Warm Springs area with illustrations of activities. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man in a wheelchair in motion hitting a ball with a polo mallet. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man riding a crutch that looks like a horse. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man riding a brace drawn to look like a horse. Visual Still
April 10, 1946 Magazine    Document
1974 Photograph  Women playing jacks on a tile floor. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Horse and swing set outside institutional building. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Three boys playing inside large pipe. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Boys playing on monkey bars. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Boys on swings. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Three boys near large pipes, two saluting. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A room with tables and tablecloths, chiars, and decorations. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A boy riding down a hill on a tricycle. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  A woman in wheelchair and wearing a chestliece plays shuffleboard. Visual Still
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