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Date Format Image Collection
January 15, 1885 Annual Report    Document
1886 Article    Document
1887 Book    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1893 Book    Document
1893 Book    Document
1893 Illustration  Sketch of child with drippy eyes. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  Color plate of three diseased eyes. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  Color plates of 4 diseased eyes. Visual Still
1897 Pamphlet    Document
June 1897 Article    Document
September 1897 Article    Document
1898 Pamphlet    Document
1898 Photograph  A portrait of a man with sideburns. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A large, ornate house with shrubbery in front. Visual Still
September 1899 Article    Document
circa 1900 Postcard  Small photographs of five buildings. Visual Still
April 1902 Article    Document
December 1903 Article    Document
December 1903 Article    Document
June 1904 Article    Document
June 25, 1904 Article    Document
June 1905 Article    Document
February 10, 1906 Article    Document
March 1906 Article    Document
1907 Book    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1908 Article    Document
April 1909 Article    Document
circa 1910 Photograph  A doctor examining a patient's ear using an elaborate-looking diagnostic tool. Visual Still
1910 Book    Document
February 18, 1912 Photograph  Portrait of Henery H. Goddard. Visual Still
March 2, 1912 Article    Document
March 1913 Article    Document
circa 1915 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1915 Pamphlet    Document
1915 Newspaper  Photo of a newspaper article entitled Doctor to Let Defective Baby Expire Unaided. Visual Still
July 24, 1915 Article    Document
November 17, 1915 Article    Document
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