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KEYWORDS: Samuel Gridley Howe

Results: 41 - 55 of 55 total  


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1875 Photograph  Samuel Gridley Howe, waist-up portrait, dark suit, gray hair and beard. Visual Still
January 14, 1875 Annual Report    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1898 Pamphlet    Document
April 1902 Article    Document
February 26, 1903 Article    Document
March 21, 1903 Article    Document
1909 Book    Document
1909 Photograph  Portrait of Samuel Gridley Howe. Visual Still
1920 Article    Document
1920 Article    Document
October 1960 Speech    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
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