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KEYWORDS: Educational Institutions

Results: 361 - 400 of 682 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1904 Photograph  Two women at desks, one sitting, one standing. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Two boys in dark suits playing trumpets, one boy in dark suit playing piano. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Girl in light dress playing piano, teacher in dark dress sitting to girl's left. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Four girls in dark dresses reading at large table, teacher in light dress standing. Visual Still
1904 Article    Document
December 1903 Article    Document
December 1903 Article    Document
February 26, 1903 Article    Document
January 18, 1903 Article    Document
December 1902 Article    Document
August 1902 Article    Document
July 1902 Article    Document
June 1902 Article    Document
May 1902 Article    Document
April 1902 Article    Document
1901 Photograph  Gathering of pupils with deafblindness and teachers from five institutions in Buffalo, New York in 1901. Reunion funded by William Wade. Students and teachers are arranged in two arching lines outside on the grass with front row seated and back row standing. From the Perkins School for the Blind: Edith M. Thurston, Thomas Stringer, Miss Helen S. Conley, Edith Thomas, Vina C. Badger, and Elizabeth Robin. From the South Dakota School for the Blind: Dora Donald (Superintendent) and Linnie Haguewood.From the Ohio Institute for the Deaf: Ada Buckles, Ada E. Lyon, and Leslie F. Oren. From the New York Institute for the Deaf: Myra L. Barrager, W. H. Van Tassell, Orris Benson, Catherine Pederson, Florence G. S. Smith and Katie McGirr. Visual Still
December 1, 1900 Book    Document
October 8, 1900 Article    Document
July 1900 Article    Document
April 1900 Article    Document
April 1900 Article    Document
circa 1900 Photograph  Group photograph of the American Association to Promote Teaching Speech to the Deaf Chicago School taken outdoors on the steps. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Six deaf students all sitting facing camera in classroom while one female teacher instructs the lesson. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Both male and female deaf children stand in front of a chalk board to read at the Horace Mann School. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  One student standing at the chalkboard and five students in the classroom sitting at the Horace Mann School. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph flashcard of a young boy demonstrating phonetic sounds by mouth movement. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Photograph of a side with an arched entrance to the Horace Mann School, image of Sarah Fuller included at top. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Six Horace-Mann students sit semi-circle around a teacher while one student stands left. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Horace Mann students and teacher stand behind desks and chairs, facing the camera in a classroom. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Group portrait of eleven people of which are students and possibly teachers of the Horace Mann School, seated on steps. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright seated, looking down and left at possibly a manuscript or newspaper. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  John Wright (left) examining a child at desk in an office. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  A Melville Bell visible speech chart. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A head and shoulders portrait of a Horace Mann School female oral educator with glasses and a curled up-do hair style. Visual Still
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