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KEYWORDS: Deaf-blind

Results: 141 - 177 of 177 total  


Date Format Image Collection
December 29, 1891 Article    Document
July 27, 1891 Article    Document
circa 1891 Photograph  young Helen Keller standing with seated Michael Anagnos. Visual Still
circa 1891 Photograph  Young Helen Keller facing right, white bow in hair, white dress. Visual Still
1891 Annual Report    Document
May 25, 1890 Article    Document
May 3, 1890 Letter    Document
March 29, 1890 Letter    Document
circa 1888 Photograph  Helen Keller as a young child, sitting, holding a younger child's hand standing to her left. Visual Still
1888 Annual Report    Document
1888 Book    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
1888 Photograph  Color portrait of child Helen Keller with her hair in ringlets facing profile side right. Visual Still
circa 1885 Photograph  Seated portrait of Laura Bridgman with her hands in her lap. Several spools of thread are visible on the tabletop beside her. Visual Still
1874 Book    Document
1868 Book    Document
1867 Pamphlet    Document
1862 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1850 Photograph  Bridgman, seated facing camera, holding book, dark dress with lace collar, dark glasses. Visual Still
1850 Annual Report    Document
1849 Book    Document
1847 Annual Report    Document
1846 Annual Report    Document
circa 1845 Daguerreotype  Portrait of Laura Bridgman as a young woman wearing a patterned dress with lace collar. Her hair is braided and pinned up with a part down the middle. The Daguerreotype photograph is housed in a small leather case with a patterned red velvet lining surrounded by a gold mat board and embossing. Visual Still
circa 1845 Photograph  Photograph of Samuel G. Howe leaning on a chair with his right hand resting in his buttoned coat. Visual Still
1845 Book    Document
1845 Annual Report    Document
February 3, 1843 Letter    Document
1843 Annual Report    Document
circa 1842 Photograph  Swift on left, Bridgman on right, standing beside one another conversing with manual alphabet Visual Still
1842 Annual Report    Document
1841 Annual Report    Document
1840 Annual Report    Document
1839 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
unknown Lithograph  A young woman sits with a sign Pity the poor girl that is deaf and dumb and blind. Visual Still
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