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KEYWORDS: Advocacy

Results: 731 - 760 of 875 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1865 Pamphlet    Document
1865 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1900 Photograph  Srah Fuller seated, reading. Visual Still
March 29, 1890 Letter    Document
May 3, 1890 Letter    Document
circa 1915 Photograph  Elderly Sarah Fuller in a chair, writing with a pen. Visual Still
September 1931 Article    Document
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
April 1845 Article    Document
November 1916 Poster  A set of five posters on trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing individuals made blind from trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways that trachoma can be transmitted. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing ways to prevent trachoma. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  A poster showing where trachoma occurs. Visual Still
November 1916 Poster  Poster showing how trachoma can be controlled. Visual Still
April 1932 Article    Document
March 2, 1854 Government Document    Document
February 9, 1854 Government Document    Document
February 21, 1854 Government Document    Document
February 27, 1854 Government Document    Document
February 28, 1854 Government Document    Document
May 4, 1854 Government Document    Document
June 19, 1854 Government Document    Document
1824 Pamphlet    Document
1824 Pamphlet  Front cover of pamphlet titled Sermon, on the Duty and Advantages of Affording Education to the Deaf and Dumb Visual Still
1844 Annual Report    Document
1839 Annual Report    Document
August 20, 1904 Photograph  Large group photograph of the Seventh Convention National Association of the Deaf at St. Louis, held during the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Visual Still
1909 Annual Report    Document
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