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Date Format Image Collection
1868 Book    Document
1868 Book    Document
1868 Book    Document
1868 Illustration  A Colporteur hands a book to a woman with a child Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A man in a top hat talking with a newsboy. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  An elderly man weaves baskets as two women watch. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A girl knits while watching a baby in a cradle. Visual Still
April 1908 Article    Document
July 25, 1941 Newsletter    Document
1904 Book    Document
1970 Article    Document
November 1, 1922 Article    Document
September 16, 1906 Article    Document
October 7, 1906 Article    Document
October 21, 1906 Article    Document
November 25, 1906 Article    Document
December 16, 1906 Article    Document
August 10, 1865 Magazine    Document
1967     Document
1967 Photograph  An African American woman working on an adding machine. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Bar graph showing responses about various programs. Visual Still
1926 Article    Document
July 1845 Article    Document
1908 Article    Document
1909 Photograph  Model Store for Instruction in Practical Salesmanship.  Three young men and one young woman near display case. Visual Still
December 29, 1915 Article    Document
October 17, 1912 Article    Document
1910 Book    Document
1928 Book    Document
January 16, 1939 Government Document    Document
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