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KEYWORDS: Fundraising

Results: 71 - 100 of 134 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
January 30, 1937 Photograph  Photograph of Basil O'Connor, a man in spectacles. Visual Still
1946     Document
1946 Charts & Tables  Charts showing income goals for 1947 and what the inccrease would mean for staff and jobs. Visual Still
1890 Postcard  A man rides in a goat-drawn cart Visual Still
October 1933 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
August 4, 1915 Article    Document
January 1936 Advertisement    Document
August 1932 Article    Document
August 1932 Photograph  A group photograph of men and women at Warm Springs. Visual Still
January 23, 1934 Correspondence    Document
January 23, 1937 Correspondence    Document
January 30, 1937 Photograph  FDR sits at desk with CBS and NBC radio microphones. Visual Still
April 1933 Article    Document
1927 Photograph  Portrait of Edgar Fiske Allen -- well-dressed man; mustachioed, glasses, balding. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A man with a prosthetic right arm cradles a baby. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A young boy walks out of a hospital entrance way as a doctor and nurse wave good-bye. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A mother with a prosthetic arm cradles and snuggles her baby.  She never lost her mother's touch. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  A smiling women sits in a directors chair holding her crutches. Visual Still
circa 1988 Poster  Two elderly brothers on a metal foot bridge sign to one another. Visual Still
September 1932 Article    Document
January 30, 1938 Article    Document
August 1933 Illustration  A drawing of people going up stairs, first a man in a wheelchair, then a man on crutches, then a woman using canes. Visual Still
June 1933 Article    Document
June 1933 Photograph  A boy sitting in a wheelchair. Visual Still
1921 Postcard  Front of postcard including a drawing of a girl in a blue dress using crutches. Visual Still
1921 Postcard  Form note, from the back of a postcard, from the Chairman of the Community Chest thanking donors for their contributions and soliciting the names of other potential donors. Visual Still
November 1932 Article    Document
July 1932 Article    Document
August 1932 Article    Document
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