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Date Format Image Collection
October 30, 1816 Correspondence    Document
September 7, 1816 Correspondence    Document
August 9, 1816 Correspondence    Document
June 13, 1816 Legal documents    Document
May 21, 1816 Correspondence    Document
January 17, 1816 Correspondence    Document
1816 Ephemera    Document
October 11, 1815 Correspondence    Document
February 9, 1815 Correspondence    Document
August 24, 1814 Correspondence    Document
August 10, 1814 Correspondence    Document
June 14, 1814 Correspondence    Document
April 20, 1812 Correspondence    Document
October 12, 1809 Correspondence    Document
December 14, 1794 Correspondence    Document
August 29, 1794 Correspondence    Document
unknown Photograph  A large two-story brick building, with stairs going to a railed-off porch. Visual Still
unknown Lithograph  Valuable Books for children and Youth... surrounded by drawings of animals, boats and cornucopias Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Portrait of Laurent Clerc. Visual Still
unknown Painting  Portrait of Thomas Gallaudet. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Portrait of Mason Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Framed silhouette of Alice Cogswell. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the Cogswell House, a large townhouse, with a horse drawn carriage on the street in front. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the front parlor of the Cogswell House. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  View of large brick house through trees. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  View of large school building with empty fenced yard in front. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Bust of Laurent Clerc atop pedestal in front of large building Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the front of a large school building. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of large school building beyond open lawns. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Photograph of Clerc Memorial in front of school building. Visual Still
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