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KEYWORDS: Employment

Results: 361 - 390 of 518 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1908 Annual Report    Document
1908 Photograph  Woman seated at loom weaving Visual Still
October 1907 Article    Document
July 1907 Article    Document
July 1907 Article    Document
April 1907 Article    Document
1907 Article    Document
1907 Annual Report    Document
December 16, 1906 Article    Document
November 25, 1906 Article    Document
October 21, 1906 Article    Document
October 7, 1906 Article    Document
September 16, 1906 Article    Document
1906 Government Document    Document
1906     Document
circa 1905 Postcard  Color illustration shows seated women making flower arrangements at a long table. Visual Still
1905 Photograph  Blind switchboard operator working. Visual Still
1905 Article    Document
1905 Article    Document
November 30, 1904 Article    Document
October 22, 1904 Letter    Document
February 18, 1904 Article    Document
February 18, 1904 Article    Document
February 5, 1904 Article    Document
February 4, 1904 Article    Document
circa 1904 Photograph  Boys' caning shop, Main building, Perkins Institution, South Boston, Mass. Showing Mr. Thomas J. Carroll, instructor. The boys stand at tall work benches with chair seats to be caned clamped at chest height. They each have long lengths of caning materials that they weave across the wooden frames. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Shop with men and boys working on chairs. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Workshop for the Blind, Perkins Institution for the Blind, Fourth Street, South Boston, Mass. In front are two thick door mats and a spool of the thick cord used to make them. Six men stand in the back of the room at work stations. Some work on chair caning. One of the faces has been enhanced with pen for publication purposes. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Visual Still
1904 Pamphlet    Document
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