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KEYWORDS: Technology & Equipment

Results: 141 - 170 of 312 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
June 1932 Photograph  A photograph of a motorized wheelchair. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Five women in a row of wheelchairs, the last pushed by a young man. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man in a wheelchair in motion hitting a ball with a polo mallet. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Three photographs of physical therapists and patients walking. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A boy sitting in a chair. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Four photographs of equipment used in the treatment of arthritis. Visual Still
July 1932 Photograph  A batter stands next to a wheelchair and holds crutches while others watch. Visual Still
August 1932 Article    Document
September 1932 Article    Document
September 1932 Article    Document
September 1932 Illustration  Drawing of a man typing with the help of a spring suspended from the ceiling. Visual Still
October 1932 Photograph  Four photographs of a child walking with crutches and braces. Visual Still
October 1932 Photograph  A woman walks using cructhes. Visual Still
October 1932 Photograph  Two photographs of a young man walking with crutches. Visual Still
October 1932 Photograph  Two photographs of a woman walking with two canes and a leg brace. Visual Still
October 1932 Article    Document
October 1932 Photograph  A man shows how an electric eye would be used in a traffic intersection. Visual Still
November 1932 Article  Drawings of a doorway, a clipboard, and a hand holding a pencil. Visual Still
December 1932     Document
December 1932 Photograph  An elderly woman using an incline stair elevator. Visual Still
December 1932 Photograph  Stairs with an incline elevator. Visual Still
December 1932 Illustration  A drawing of the workings of a home elevator. Visual Still
January 1933 Illustration  A design drawing of a steering wheel and clutch. Visual Still
January 1933 Illustration  A design drawing of a steering wheel. Visual Still
January 1933 Photograph  A man sits at a steering wheel. Visual Still
January 1933 Photograph  The clutch and brake mechanisms of a car. Visual Still
February 1933     Document
February 1933 Illustration  A design drawing of a ramp. Visual Still
February 1933 Illustration  A design drawing of stairs with railings. Visual Still
April 1933 Article    Document
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