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KEYWORDS: Samuel Gridley Howe AND Js [ " Js " Ignored. Not A Keyword. ]

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Results: 41 - 55 of 55 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1844 Annual Report    Document
1839 Annual Report    Document
1848 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
April 1902 Article    Document
1842 Annual Report    Document
1845 Annual Report    Document
1870 Annual Report    Document
1852 Annual Report    Document
1909 Photograph  Portrait of Samuel Gridley Howe. Visual Still
circa 1845 Photograph  Photograph of Samuel G. Howe leaning on a chair with his right hand resting in his buttoned coat. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  Samuel Gridley Howe, waist-up portrait, dark suit, gray hair and beard. Visual Still
circa 1840 Illustration  Howe with dark suit, white shirt with high collar, beard and mustache Visual Still
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