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KEYWORDS: Assistive Technology

Results: 341 - 370 of 483 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1959 Photograph  A photograph of a woman in a motorized wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1950 Stamps  Stamp with image of child in braces about to throw a baseball. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Six men working in a typesetting room. Visual Still
April 1932 Photograph  A man and and woman in wheelchairs with two men standing. Visual Still
circa 1909 Postcard  Man in wheelchair with lower legs bandaged.  Surrounded by woman and three young girls. Visual Still
June 1933 Article  A woman in a wheelchair putting her arm around a boy. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Group of elderly men, some with canes and crutches, sitting and standing on porch.  Also five women. Visual Still
April 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man on crutches being greeted by a dog at the door. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A seated man in formal clothing speaks with a man who reveals a leg brace. Visual Still
August 1931 Illustration  A man with a an adjustable wrench and an oil can works on his braces. Visual Still
September 1931 Illustration  A man in a wheelchair spins around holding a crying baby while a woman sleeps in the backbround. Visual Still
October 1933 Illustration  A man throws a brace out his window at a cat on a fence. Visual Still
December 1933 Illustration  A man on crutches enters a store where corsets are sold. Visual Still
August 1932 Illustration  A drawing of a bride in leg braces standing next to a groom. Visual Still
June 1933 Photograph  A man lies inside an early respirator machine. Visual Still
June 1933 Photograph  Two models of iron lungs. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  The author, strapped on a stretcher, enters an automobile. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  The author smiles as a waietr pours a glass of wine. Visual Still
1962 Article  With Paris in the background, the author smiles from his wheelchair. Visual Still
unknown Lithograph  Two images - A woman lying in bed; the same woman lying in bed upright with table Visual Still
September 24, 1844 Patent  Design drawing for J.G. Holmes Invalid Chairs, sheet 1 Visual Still
September 24, 1844 Patent  Design drawing for J.G. Holmes Invalid Chairs, Sheet 2. Visual Still
March 23, 1869 Patent  Design drawing for G. Wells Invalid Chair. Visual Still
February 16, 1869 Patent  Design drawing for A.P. Blunt & Jacob S. Smith Invalid Chair. Visual Still
October 22, 1861 Government Document  Design drawing of J. Ruth Invalid Carriage. Visual Still
August 25, 1863 Patent  Design drawing of G.A. Mansfield chair. Visual Still
December 18, 1866 Patent  Design drawing for C.L. Bauder Children's Carriage Visual Still
November 10, 1863 Patent  Design for C.L. Bauder Ambulance. Visual Still
November 10, 1863 Patent  Design for C.L. Bauder Ambulance. Visual Still
May 10, 1853 Patent  Design drawing of invalid carriage. Visual Still
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