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Date Format Image Collection
July 6, 1918 Article    Document
1843 Book    Document
1889 Book    Document
March 23, 1977 Article    Document
1917 Photograph  Man at a machine making dishmops Visual Still
1908 Map  Map showing distribution of blind people Visual Still
1850 Book    Document
1909 Photograph  Display booth advertising goods made by the blind. Visual Still
1911 Illustration  Massachusetts Commission for the Blind trademark logo. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Visual Still
1906     Document
1906 Photograph  A plain one-story house with a fence in front. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A large rock near trees and a fence on a farm. Visual Still
1906 Illustration  An engraving of an ornate building with trees and an iron fence. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A photographic portrait of a women in a plain black dress with her three daughetrs, one wearing dark glasses. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A man sits at a organ, and a woman in dark glasses holds a book. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  shows a woman in a black dress with white lace and a black bow at the neck holding a small book in her left hand and her right hand on the top of a short table to her right Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A woman in dark glasses sits in an ornate Victorian room. Visual Still
1906 Photograph  A portrait of a woman. Visual Still
1917 Photograph  Men making baskets. Visual Still
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