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Date Format Image Collection
1858 Book    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
November 1932 Article    Document
1959 Photograph  A photograph of a woman in a motorized wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1915 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1915 Pamphlet  Pamphlet showing blind baby. Visual Still
August 1931 Article    Document
August 1931 Photograph  A group of seventeen people, some in wheelchairs, some standing. Visual Still
1959 Magazine    Document
January 30, 1937 Article    Document
April 1933 Article    Document
April 1933 Photograph  Four photographs of a boy swimming. Visual Still
1970 Article    Document
1960 Photograph  A young man plays chess with assitive technology. Visual Still
1919 Poem    Document
1919 Illustration  Images of a girl swatting flies around food at a table, a woman washing food at a sink, and flies around food sold by a street vendor. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Pie charts displaying percentages of causes and classifications of mental retardation. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A woman in an iron lung reads a book using a mouthstick. Visual Still
July 1932 Article    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
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