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SOURCE: Gazette International Networking Institute

Results: 51 - 70 of 121 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Article    Document
April 1958 Article    Document
1962 Article    Document
1962 Article  A photographs of a young man in a wheelchair swinging a baseball bat and of a group of young people in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1962 Article  Photographs of people square dancing in wheelchairs and of four cheerleaders in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1962 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
1960 Article    Document
1959 Cartoon  A cartoon of a wheelchair built for two young people in love. Visual Still
1959 Cartoon  Drawing of a row of Christmas celebrants led by a young man in a wheelchair. Visual Still
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of a women in a wheelchair with chestpiece as a girls looks on. Visual Still
1959 Cartoon  A drawing of woman in a wheelchair with children applying make-up. Visual Still
1959 Illustration  An architectural design and a photograph of an accessible home. Visual Still
July 1955 Illustration  A drawn picture of a cat in a picnic basket. Visual Still
1960 Magazine    Document
1959 Magazine    Document
1959 Magazine    Document
1962 Magazine  Campus scene with a young woman in a wheelchair. Visual Still
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